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fucking sixty chapters im so


"no lie, after he told me im going on tour with him i went to the kitchen, then he was getting dressed saying he said something to do." i say to amara, who was staring into the camera. she glanced at her tv then looked back at me.

"where is he? it's almost twelve. he should've been came home."

"i know."

as if on cue, the door had opened and closed. i heard the footsteps go into the bedroom. "if i take you with me, don't say anything." i say, and she just hums in response.

"justin, where were you? what could you have possibly done two in the morning and didn't even call me."

he just sits down, and looks at me. "where you ever going to tell me you were pregnant? the paparazzi caught you at the pharmacy and i puzzled it together."

"justin, i-"

"we're in this together. were you just going to keep it a secret?"

"look, justin-"

"if you were planning on never telling me then getting an abortion, i would've found out. you told someone you've hated for two years and someone you just met not too long ago before you tell me, the one that got you pregnant, and who's known you for two years." he stands up. from my bra, i heard amara mumble, he's been reading shit online.

the fact he's actually over analyzing this, and would even think i'd kill his baby, our baby, is fucking outrageous. "you know what." i laugh.

"what?" he looks at me, walking closer to me with an intimidating look.

i grab the two wrapped up pregnancy tests, and put them on the dresser.

"i'm not even pregnant. i can't believe you actually believed the media instead of coming to me like a man. why would you ever fucking assume i'd get an abortion?" tears were coming to my eyes. i heard the beep beep from the phone meaning amara had hung up.

"you mean like the way you didn't come to me like a woman and told me there was a chance of us having a baby?"

i stayed silent, knowing he was right, but i was also right. "you're going on tour soon. you just came back from a break and i didn't want to worry you until i knew it was official. i was hiding it for your benefit, and you're making me seem like the bad person. if we're going to act like this don't make me bring up the hailey shit because you managed to hide a relationship from me."

he just stood there, so i grabbed my shoes, and the first jacket i saw. "can't believe i was actually about to marry you." i mumble, turning and grabbing my phone.



"so did you two break up?" nicole asks, sitting down on my bed. shayla was laying her head on my lap, crying, and eating my chips i just bought when i picked her up.

"i don't know." she sobs. "i-i told him i can't believe i was about to marry him. i didn't mean it, i was j-just..."

"we understand." i say, moving her hair out of her face. i take the hair tie from my hair and use it to put her hair in a ponytail. "i don't want you here crying. you both were wrong, you both were right. just make up."

"what even happened?" nicole questions

"you can tell her while i go raid your kitchen for more food."

shayla stands up, and slowly walks out of my bedroom. sighing, i turn to nicole, starting to explain from the beginning.


that enough drama for yall

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