twenty two

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((the picture )) they cute


christian was dropping me off at justin's house and as soon as he walked me to the door step, another car pulled up.

to my surprise it was ryan and nicole. "oh shit." christian mumbles.

"what?" i ask. "what's happening?"

"ryan, dude. chill the f-"

i covered my mouth when ryan threw a punch. "what the fuck!" i exclaim, nicole standing there quietly.

"you met nicole at a bar, fucked her, knowing damn well she was dating me? then you go and date justin's best friend, what the fuck man."

i went silent, looking up at nicole. christian stood up, "you can't blame this all on me! your girlfriend didn't stop me!"

"i was drunk."

"and i didn't know you were dating ryan. im never on social media anymore, especially if it has to do with justin!" christian exclaims, then another car pulls up. it had to be justin. everything was happening too fucking fast for me to even comprehend.

he gets out of the car, the same expression as ryan. liz was by his side. it went silent as everyone just stood on the porch.

"can we go inside and talk?" nicole asks, justin unlocking the door. i walk in, no words being spoken.

we all crowded into the living room, me sitting next to justin, him being the only person i can trust as of now. "what's going on?" i look up at him, and he sighs, shrugging.

"look, i didn't know about anyone dating anyone. and even if i did, she knew she had a boyfriend so you can blame her for not stopping me. and i don't follow you on social media or stalk you so i wouldn't know shayla is your best friend. and again, even if i did, i'd still talk to her because i like her."

it was silent, until liz spoke. "so basically it's her fault?" and she points at nicole.

"just because justin stuck his dick in you doesn't give you any right to say anything. you don't know any of us, or what's happening, so please, shut up." i speak up, already not liking liz. nicole smirks.

"you don't even know what's happening either. it's pretty obvious it's all nicole's fault, so why don't you shut up?"

"oh no, bitch don't try me, just because i changed my appearance doesn't mean i forgot how to fight. squ-"

justin covered my mouth, pulling me to sit down. ryan was laughing, me not finding this amusing. "can everyone just leave? i really don't wanna do this right now." justin sighs.


justin was in the bathroom, singing an unknown song. "my momma don't like you, and she likes everyone."

sighing, i walk into the bathroom, seeing that he was sitting in the bathtub with a bunch of bubbles. "you okay?" i chuckle.


"what's wrong?"

"the interview, they spoke too much about selena and ex girlfriends, then seeing christian and you snap out on liz. it's obvious you don't like her and if you don't my mom won't." he sighs, messing with the bubbles around him.

"is that what you were singing?"

"no, that's a song on my new album, but do you really not like her?"

"i've just met her and i told her to square up. what do you think?" i softly chuckle, and he just smiles.

"well i don't like christian, so can we both find someone else?"

"it's a deal."


wow im on a roll with updates tonight. im just in the mood to write lmao

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