Chapter 10: Oh brother...

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7 hours had already passed, yet AJ, Max, and Lindsay were still here. I'd insisted that they leave but they all straight up refused. Their reason, you ask? Well, as AJ put it; "I just wanna make sure this Legend dude isn't a fuck boy."

I was in my room trying to decide what to wear. I didn't wanna wear anything too typical because, after all, I was going on a date but then again I didn't wanna wear anything too flashy either- it'd probably make him think I was stuck up or something. After tons of thought I finally decided to just go with something casual. I put on a black pair of skinny jeans, a white t shirt, a dark red cardigan, and my red vans. Lindsay curled my hair enough to make it look wavy and gave me just a touch of make up. Just as she was finishing I heard a knock at the front door. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 6:06. I also saw that I had three missed calls. I grabbed my phone and shoulder-purse and walked to the front door. I opened it and was greeted by a smiling Legend. Though I was a bit shocked when I saw what he was wearing...we were basically matching. He had on a white T-shirt with a dark red thin jacket, black pants, and red vans.

"Wow, were you stalking me?" I joked.

"Nope, but I have to admit, you've got style girl." He said with a smirk that made me blush a little. "Oh, and I tried calling you by the way, though you didn't answer so I thought I'd just come up here."

"Yea sorry about that, I was still getting, ready to go?" I asked about to head out the door until I heard AJ's voice.

"Nuh-uh. Not so fast. Open the door all the way so I can see the guy."

I rolled my eyes and completely opened the door. I looked at AJ to see if he was satisfied yet so that we could leave but I caught him giving Legend a sinister glare.

"This is awkward...." Max mumbled under his breath.

"What?" I asked.

Max simply replied with, "Oh nothing, have fun."

I also noticed that Legend was sort of avoiding eye contact with him but I didn't question it.

"Can I go now?" I asked a bit frustratingly.

Jordan stood up and made his way towards Legend and I. "Sure." He said. "After I lay down some ground rules first."

"Ooooof course." I groaned.

"Lay em down bud." Legend playfully replied.

"Three things. 1. Have her home by 12:30. 2. Don't touch her at all unless you're giving her a hug. Scratch that- don't touch her at all. And 3. Don't piss her off because if you piss her off it'll piss me off-"

"And me." AJ cut in.

"And we'll be after your ass." Jordan finished.

"I'll definitely take that advice into consideration." Legend responded.

I couldn't help but laugh. I shook my head and grabbed Legend's arm pulling him out of the door.

"Nice friends you've got there." He said with an amused tone.

"Yep. Nice they are. Dont worry though, you'll get used to them." I replied as we laughed and made our way to his truck. As soon as we buckled our seat belts he turned to me with his hand on the steering wheel.

"So, where do you wanna go?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter." I really didn't care where we went as long as I got to see his gorgeous face.

He smiled and stared at me. "I had a feeling you'd say that." He adjusted his body in his seat and started driving.

"So where are we going?" I asked curiously.

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