Chapter 193: Impossible.

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Cassidy's P.O.V.

"Cass, just be honest with me."

"I'm being honest! There's literally nothing going on between me and Sehrem." I said to Lindsay.

She turned and looked at Raes.

"You see it too don't you?"

He smirked and nodded his head.

"Oh my god you two are ridiculous. We're nothing more than friends."

"Its okay." Raes began. "Sehrem likes you too."

"Shut up Raes. No he doesn't."

"I know my brother, yes he does. In fact he has for the past year."

"Well even if that was true I'm not ready for another relationship."

"Cassie its been four years." Lindsay explained. "You're allowed to move on. To be happy."

"Okay can we just pretend that this conversation never happened? And when Sehrem comes back downstairs can you two please not mention any of this?"

"Mention what?" He asked as he walked back into the den.

"Oh nothing." Said Raes with a grin. "Cassidy is just being insecure at the moment. Lindsay and I were just telling her how gorgeous she really is. Don't you agree?"

"Of course." Sehrem stated as he looked at me. "What's making you think differently?"

"Oh just a guy I had an altercation with that's all." I lied.

"He called Cassidy ugly." Said Lindsay causing Raes to chuckle which made me wanna punch the living daylights out of her and him.

Thankfully the doorbell rang before any of the awkwardness continued and I immediately jumped up to go answer it.

Unfortunately it was the last two people I expected to see.

"Hey Cato, Ca'sius.... I wasnt expecting you two. Especially this late at night." I said nervously.

"We have an urgent matter to discuss with you about Kaiser." Said Cato as he tried to walk inside but I quickly blocked him.

"Oh lets talk about it outside then. I need some fresh air anyways."

"The pollen level is really getting to me." Said Ca'sius.

Then I heard the last voice I wanted to hear....

"Mommy who's that?"

I froze in place and stared at Ca'sius and Cato who first looked at eachother then at me in confusion.

"Another one?" Ca'sius retorted as he pushed open the door all the way then walked inside.

He and Cato fixed their gaze upon Hudson, simply staring at him in silence.

"Hudson why don't you go upstairs with Roman and Grayson." Said Raes as he, Sehrem, and Lindsay walked towards us.

"He's a full-blood..." Cato began... "And- Apollo's child."

"You've been hiding him here for years?" Asked Ca'sius.

"I had to." I replied.

"And you knew about this?" He asked Raes.

"I did." Raes answered.

"And Sehrem?"

"Sehrem has nothing to do with this."

"Actually I was the first one to agree to help Cassidy keep Hudson a secret." Sehrem said as he stood beside Raes.

"You've been harboring a 2nd born full blood all this time? We can't let this continue."

"Father he's just a child."

"I don't care. You know the rule against 2nd and 3rd borns." Said Ca'sius as he tried to make his way towards the stairs but Sehrem stepped in front of them, blocking him.

"Move Sehrem." Ca'sius demanded.

"Father I respect you to the highest degree and have always followed your guidance but I WILL NOT allow you to take this child."

"Son you're doing this because you have a soft spot for Cassidy."

"This isn't about my feelings for Cassidy this is about my brother's child. The only way you're walking out of here with Hudson is if I'm dead."

"You'd really betray your own father and I over a 2nd born?" Asked Cato.

"Indeed I would."

"Sehrem get out out of the way so we can do our job." Ca'sius demanded, becoming irritated.

"Not without a fight."

"From both of us." Said Raes.

Suddenly Rome and Grayson came walking out of their rooms and stood at the top of the staircase with Hudson.

"What's going on?" Asked Roman.

Before I could answer I felt myself get stiff to the point where I couldn't move.

"What the-" I said in confusion.

"Fuck." Raes mumbled. "Cato stop this."

I looked over at Cato and saw him standing with his eyes closed.

I looked around and noticed that me, Raes, Sehrem, and Lindsay were all experiencing the same thing.

Cato's eyes opened and a smirk spread across his face.

"This shouldn't take too long now." Said Ca'sius.

"Don't let them take Hudson!" I yelled, still not able to move my arms and legs.

"Hudson.... Lets go." Said Gray as he picked up Hudson and he and Rome took off running down another hallway.

"Father you're making the wrong decision!" Sehrem exclaimed, struggling to break free from whatever Cato had us under.

Then Meadow came running through the front door in a frenzy with Payton and Journey behind her.

"Cassidy something's happening to her!" Journey exclaimed.

Meadow stared up at me in fear as her hands shook. And I noticed there was something that looked almost black rushing through her veins....

As Cato shifted his attention away from us I felt myself able to move again.

"This isn't possible...." Raes said under his breath.

"What's going on?" Lindsay asked in just as much confusion as I was in.

"That only happens when the powers of our kind kicks in...." Raes explained.

"Meadow was born slightly before Kaiser..." Sehrem began, not once taking his eyes off of her. "Though Kaiser developed his powers first which fits our definition of a first born...."

"But we've never had twins develop powers years apart from eachother." Said Raes. "Since Meadow has however.... That makes her a '2nd born'..."

"Which makes Hudson a 3rd born." Sehrem concluded.

"Why'd you say that like its a bad thing..." I asked, quite terrified at that point.

"Because 3rd borns are even more dangerous than 2nd. And there's only ever been one 3rd born." Cato replied. "It was Peter."

At that point I knew exactly what was about to happen. Luckily Sehrem and Raes did as well.

Raes quickly picked up Meadow and ran out of the front door resulting in Cato running after him as Sehrem took off upstairs in an attempt to get Hudson as Ca'sius followed him.

"Sehrem you can't protect him." Said Ca'sius. "2nd bloods are bad enough but 3rd bloods are bound to be destructive and you know that yourself."

Journey, Lindsay, Payton and I just stood there, not sure of what to do....

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