Chapter 144: Morgan

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Mara's P.O.V.

Raes made me go into one of the training rooms and wait but I just wanted to leave.

I didn't wanna be here.

Not only was I a danger to myself but I was a danger to others as well.

Suddenly the door to the training room opened and Apollo walked in.


"Raes told me you're refusing to train with the others in the battle room.... Why?"

"Um did you not see what happened 8 hours ago?"

"It was an accident."

"That doesn't make it okay." I said. "It doesnt excuse anything."

"Mara we've all dealt with something like this. If I told you how many times Raes almost killed me when were kids you'd think he used to do it on purpose. I've even had an incident where I nearly took an innocent life. But I didn't. And neither did you. Kaiser's gonna be okay. So is Sehrem. And the other two girls. You're still young and you're not done learning how to fully control your powers. Dont let this stop you."

"Stop me from what? Possibly killing you one day? No. I'm NOT doing it."

"You dont know for sure if I'll die. And even if I do, it'll be worth it."

"How could you say that?"

"Because it'll be for a good cause. If you and I dont do this then we've failed everyone else. We'll be putting their lives in danger."

"One innocent life is just as important as 100 innocent lives."

"But sometimes lives have to be sacrificed for the greater good."

"Screw the greater good. I'm not doing it. Why can't you be the one to do it?"

"Because the roles will be reversed and I could end up killing you."

"I like that scenario better."

"You wanna die?"

"I'd rather die than kill someone innocent so yea."

He laughed at my statement. "We're so much alike its ridiculous. You can't die Mara. You're gonna be needed one day to work alongside my son."

"Oh great I get to work with the kid I almost killed. I feel honored."

"Dont worry Kaiser's not one to hold a grudge.... Now, lets start training." 
Jordan's P.O.V.

"Toodles no! Toodles! Toodl- PAYTON!"

She stared me straight in the eyes and laughed when I swooped her up.

"I told you not to pull on the curtains!" I exclaimed.

"Curtain?" She repeated.

"Yes curtains."

Payton and I were in the room that we were gonna be staying in for the next month while Journey went with Lindsay to sit with Cassidy as Kai finished getting a check up before he was released.

I heard a knock on the door so I sat Payton on the bed and answered it. It was Max who was holding Meadow and had Morgan by his side.

I opened the door wide enough so that he could come in then quickly closed it.

"You okay dude?" He asked as he put Meadow down.

"No the kids in this rift are scary as hell. One of them chased me down the hall and was LITERALLY burping out fucking FROGS!"

"You ran from a kid?"

"Max he was BURPING OUT FROGS! I wasn't just gonna stand there!"

"You actually ran from a kid..."

"Oh shut up."

Someone knocked on the door again and I groaned.

I was genuinely paranoid that the frog kid was gonna be standing at the door if I opened it so I made Max open it.

Luckily it was just Ryan.

"Uncle Ry!" Meadow yelled excitedly as she basically charged at him.

"Hey Ms. Sassiness." He chuckled as he picked her up.

"Oh but I dont get an excited 'uncle J!' when you see me?" I jealously asked Meadow.

"Tell him to get lost." Said Ryan.

"Get lost!" Meadow repeated as she snapped her fingers and tried to roll her eyes but instead rolled her entire head.

Max, Ryan, and I laughed at her attempt.

"You're lucky you're too ridiculously adorable to stay mad at." I said to her causing her to giggle. "So what's up?" I asked Max and Ryan.

"I came in here because I had absolutely nothing better to do." Ryan stated.

"Lindsay doesnt trust Morgan and I in the room without her because she doesnt think we can take care of ourselves." Max explained. "So she kicked us out then went to see Cass."

"Journey literally lectured me before she left." I added. "I had to remind her that I've been taking care of our kid just as long as she has but nope... Still doesnt trust me."

"Well you did lose her at the park three weeks ago." Said Ryan.

"Oh shut up. She slipped away."

"Wait a minute- where's Morgan?" Asked Max.

We all started glancing around the room but Morgan was no where in sight.

"He walked in with you..." I stated.

"I know he did but he's not in here!" Max panicked as he came from looking in the bathroom.

"Can he open doors yet?" Ryan asked.

"Apparently he can..."

I slipped my shoes on and grabbed Payton off of the bed.

"Cassidy, Lindsay, and Journey are gonna be back soon. We've gotta find him before they do."
I retorted.

"This place is huge... He could be anywhere." Said Ryan.

"He couldn't have gotten too far." Max replied. "But then again, Morgan is full of surprises."

We hurried out of the room and down the hall but tried not to look too suspicious because we didn't want to have to explain to people that we'd lost a 1 year old.
Damn it Morgan.

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