Chapter 87: The Cycle Repeats

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*1 week later*
Cassidy's P.O.V.

Today was the first day I got to bring Kai and Meadow home.

I was beyond happy.

It was time for me to start being a mom.

Though I don't think anyone was more excited than Rome and Gray.

"Kaiser can share my room and Meadow can share with Jen or Elise." Rome stated.

"Noooo Kaiser can share my room." Gray insisted.

"Kai and Meadow are gonna have their own rooms just like you two do." Said River.

"But can one of them sleep in my room for a few days?"Rome asked.

"Sure if you're willing to change their dirty diapers." River replied.

Rome thought about it for a bit.


River and I laughed at his sudden change of mind.

It was already 10 at night and were on the highway on our way home. We had to stop by Elliott's and Gabriela's house first so that they could see the babies though we ended up staying way longer than expected.

Elise, Jenna, and Meadow were sleeping while Kai wanted to stay up and play with Rome and Grayson.

River reached over and grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine.

I loved when he did that.

My dad ended up being right about River's memory. It was back within two days which was a HUGE relief for me.

"You know, its been a while since we've-"

"Stop right there. There are kids in here." I warned.

"So? They've heard worse." He laughed.

I looked at him, trying not to laugh.
"That's exactly why Rome has such a bad mouth now." I said.

"He doesn't have a bad mouth. He's just a few years ahead of most kids his age."

"Oh whatever. Even Grayson's starting to turn into you."

"What can I say? I tend to have that affect on kids."

"Oh stop." I said as I yanked my hand away from him.

He looked at me in utter heartbreak.

"Don't do that." He said as he grabbed my hand again.

I giggled and reached over to kiss his cheek.

"Gross." Elise said from the back.

"I didn't even know you had waken up." I replied.

"I wish I hadn't so that I wouldn't have seen that."

"Oh come on you can't tell me that you've never kissed a guy. You're 16."

"Nope. Never have."

"Good." River retorted. "Guys are idiots."

"What are you?" She asked.

"An idiot." He laughed.

"Does that make me an idiot?" Grayson asked.

"And me too?" Rome followed up.

"No you two aren't idiots. Just your dad. And your uncle Legend."

"What about you?" River asked me.

"What about me?"

"If I'm an idiot what does that make you for dating me?"

"Desperate." I joked.

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