Chapter 162: Familiarity

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Riley's P.O.V.

River had to make a run to the store and I had nothing better to do so Erica and I tagged along.

We stopped at Walmart and Erica and I split from River as he went one way and we went the other.

"I hate Walmart." Erica complained as we went to the candy aisle.

"Why'd you come then? You could've just stayed with Madison."

"Because my mans is here. Wherever he goes I follow."

"You're so stupid." I laughed. "Bet you wont say that in front of him."

"You're right. He scares me." She chuckled.


"Um did you not see what he did to Floyd? I mean he looked sexy as hell while he did it but the act itself was terrifying."

"I wouldn't know. I had my eyes closed the whole time."


"You know what they say.... You are what you eat."


"Kidding kidding.... Not really."

We grabbed two big ass bags of snickers and skittles then made our way to the freezer section to get icecream.

"Wanna know something?" I asked.


"I totally forgot my wallet..."

She looked at me with an expression of pure hatred.

"Relax..." I said. "I'll just make River pay for it."

"And if he doesnt?"

"Oh he will. Lets just say I'm the king of blackmailing."

We grabbed a gallon of ice cream and started making our way to the back of the store where River said he'd be when suddenly I came to a stop when my eyes made contact with a set of eyes I'd never forget.

"East? You okay?" Asked Erica.

My chest began to tighten up as anger washed through my body.

The man just stood there... A good 20 feet away.... Staring right back at me.

"You killed my brother."

"I dont know what you're talking about... kid."

"Riley lets go." Said Erica as she started to pull at my arm.

"You killed Xander." I stated, though still in shock that I couldn't even move.

The man then slowly began to reach into his back pocket.

"You're gonna kill me now?"

"That's the idea." He said then charged at us.

There was no way I was about to try to fight this big ass 6'6, 300 pound guy so Erica and I took off running.

"We've gotta find River." I said as we ran down aisle after aisle looking for him.

After no such luck we made our way to the opposite side of the building.

Just as we were about to turn down another aisle I was blindsided and knocked to the ground.

I hit my head pretty hard against the edge of a shelf causing my vision to blur.

Once it unblurred I saw Erica being taken by the man as he had one hand over her mouth and the other latched onto her arm.

I jumped up but as soon as I did a sharp pain erupted within my head causing me to topple over. It hurt so bad that I couldn't even think. I couldn't bring myself to get up no matter how hard I tried and I stayed on the ground for about a good 2 minutes, holding the side of my head in overwhelming pain. Suddenly I felt myself being pulled up onto my feet and I leaned against the shoulder of the person who'd helped me.

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