Chapter 131: Brooklyn

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River's P.O.V.

I rushed in Sehrem's room after realizing what I'd done.... Or what I'd almost done.

Luckily he was still awake.

The guy never sleeps.

I'm not even kidding.

"Apollo, is everything okay?" He asked while sitting on the edge of the bed.

I sat in the chair across from his bed and explained.

"I almost told Cassidy." I frantically said.

"Told her what?"


"Well what did you tell her?"

"I just showed her that I can absorb pain."

"That's not so bad. It could've been worse."

"No, you don't understand Sehrem. I almost told her who I was."

His eyes widened.

"Apollo if you would've told her-"

"I know I know. I don't know what got into me though. I caved."

"Distance yourself from her for a while."

"I'm trying."

"Trying isn't good enough. You must 'do' not 'try'.... What else did you say?"

"What do you mean?"

"You have that look on your face as if you're regretting something."

I looked away and stared down at the ground.

"I told her that I love her. And I'm almost sure she took it the wrong way."

"How so?"

"Because of the look she gave me. It was the look she always gave me while we were together."

"Well how did you mean for it to be?"

"I don't know. Just a regular I love you."

"Explain to me what a regular I love you is."

"Like a casual I love you."

"There is nothing casual about love. Nor is there a 'regular' kind of love. Love is the strongest thing to have ever existed. The word itself has the ability to change the world. So everytime you say that, just know that the person you are saying it to will react the same way, no matter how you mean it. Especially if that person cares for you."

"Must you get philosophical on me everytime I talk to you?"

"That's IS the reason why you come to me for advice though. Is it not?"

"That's a good question... You know what, I'll just forget that the past few hours ever happen."

"Forgetting is the easy part. Letting go is the hard part."

"I've let go what are you talking about?"

"No you haven't..."

"Yes, I have."

"Is that why you drink so much?"

"How would you know how much I drink? You've only been here 3 days."

"Because within these 3 days, I haven't seen you go longer than 3 hours without a bottle of some kind of alcohol in your hand."

"Your point is?"

"My point is that the last time you drank was to cope with the hardships you were dealing with. Just like you're doing now."

"I've let go." I repeated.

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