Chapter 19: Off We Go

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*Authors Note*

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while!!! Wattpad has been messing up for me and wouldn't let me publish :/ Everything is good now though. I'm giving you guys two chapters today to make up for lost time and I might update tomorrow as well. ^.^ Anyways, I hope you enjoy these two. Once again, it'd mean a lot if you left a comment/rate on both chapters. Feedback would be much appreciated!!!

See ya later!

Cassidy's P.O.V.

I'd just finished loading the rest of my bags into Max's truck when I heard all three of the guys start complaining.

"You do realize that your bags take up 2/3 of the hatch space don't you?" Jordan asked.

"You literally have two bags dedicated only to make-up appliances." Max added.

"Is it really necessary that you bring six stuffed animals with you? Thats ridiculous." Aj stated.

"Leave me alone. You guys are such drama queens." I responded as I went back up stairs.

I heard another voice outside that I couldn't quite make out as I grabbed my phone and charger off of the couch. I was about to head back outside when all of a sudden Max stopped me and led me back into the apartment.

"What?" I asked him as he closed the front door behind him.

"Okay, I have to tell you something but you have to promise not to kick my ass when I do." He stated.

"Max, what'd you do?" I asked suspiciously. He had guilt written all over his face.

"Promise first." He said.

Fine. I promise." I replied. Though when it came to promises I wasn't really the best person to keep them.

"Okay.... River's coming with us to Colorado..." He closed his eyes and waited for me to hit him...which is what I wanted to do but I couldn't move. My anger literally froze my body.

"Max, why are you just now telling me this?" I asked him trying soooo hard not to lash out.

"Because I knew that if I did you weren't gonna let it happen." He replied. I mean, he was right though. If he had told me sooner I most likely would've thrown a huge fit and convinced him not to let River come. But now that it's too late, I really didn't have a say anymore.

So instead of drop kicking Max I simply turned around and walked back downstairs.

"Hey!" Max yelled from inside. "I kinda wish you would've just kicked my ass because now I feel like you're planning my murder or something."

I ignored him and kept walking. I figured it'd be funny to keep him in suspense.

As I made my way back to his truck I noticed River mean mugging me.

"Is there a problem?" I asked with a slight attitude.

"Yeah." He replied. "I have to spend 2 and a half hours on a plane with you....not to mention the 45 minute drive to the airport."

"Whatever." I stated. "It's not like I wanna see you anyway, idiot."

"You're one to talk." He shot back.
Before I could retaliate Lindsay grabbed my arm and gave me a short pep talk about not letting his words get to me.

"Cassidy he's just trying to piss you off. That's all. Don't let that asshole ruin your break okay? Just try to avoid him as much as you can."

I looked at him one last time and saw that damn smirk on his face that I hated so much now. And he knew it.

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