Chapter 83: Gross.

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Just a quick note, I think I wanna start adding gifs to the story as well just because I love gifs and I think they're cute and I have some really good ones for the characters.

Ok.... Read on... And enjoy lol don't forget to comment/rate o:
Cassidy's P.O.V.

"You don't have to worry, he'll be fine." Dad said after giving me the news.

It felt like a huge boulder had been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yep. Just let him sleep it off. Its nothing major. He should be good by tomorrow. His CT scan came back normal. Plus he mentioned to me earlier that memory loss is a side effect of his brain injury."

"Then why was he acting weird about it?"

"Because he says that it hasn't happened to him since he was 16."

"But you're sure that he's gonna be okay?"

"Yes child."

"100% sure?"


"Absolutely positive?"

"No his memory is gone forever and he's never gonna remember you. You're gonna be a single mom and die alone."


"I'm joking." He laughed.

"That wasn't funny."

"I thought it was pretty funny."

"Ugh..." I laid back down and stared at the ceiling.

"Why are you so worked up about all of this anyway?"

I paused and stared at him. "Did you really just ask me that?"

"Uh, yea?"

"Maybe because I'm dating him and I just had his kids?"

"Lose the sarcasm." He said.

"And because I love him."

"But didn't you cheat on him?"


"With Max?"


"And Legend?"

"What? Dad Legend was before River."

"Oh was he? So it was Jordan, Max, Legend, then River then Max again then back to River?" He asked. "Or wait no it was Jordan, Legend, River, Max, Jordan, Max, then River again. I don't know. I can never get the order right."

"Where the hell are you getting Jordan from?"

"You can't tell me that you and Jordan have never dated."

"We haven't..."

"Is he gay?"

"Dad no! He's my bestfriend!"

"Your mom was my bestfriend when we were kids. Now 20 years later here you are."

"Dad stop that's disgusting."

"Its natural."

"Okay but I don't wanna talk about that when its about you and mom."

"Whatever. So was I right with the order or...?"

"No. Because I never dated Jordan. And I didn't go from Max to River to Max then back to River. And in my defense, River cheated me on me first."


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