Chapter 45 : Family Matters

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River's P.O.V.

First off, let me start by saying that I wasn't gonna lay a hand on Cassidy. That's the last thing I'd ever do. And I bet you're probably wondering why I was so angry in the first place. Well truth is, I wasn't even that angry at first. But whenever I get just a tad bit pissed off my anger disorder comes out and blows things way out of proportion. Its honestly one of the worst things I have to deal with. Its like when it happens anger is taking over my body and I try my hardest to fight it but sometimes I can't. Sometimes it gets the best of me and I snap...which isn't a pretty sight. However, I've been dealing with this for years and now that I'm older I can control it a bit more. There are still occasions though when I completely lose it and can't stop it no matter how hard I try. And when people try to calm me down it just makes it worse. The only problem though is that when I was younger my anger resulted in nothing more than tantrums. But now when I snap, all hell breaks loose. Which is why I told Legend to get Cassidy out if the room. I didn't want her to see that side of me. I know I said I'd never hurt her but when my temper takes over, there are just some things that I can't control. But my entire mood changed when Allison walked into the room. Panic hit me like a wrecking ball. She kept asking me why I was so tense and looked angry but I couldn't answer because I was too worried about her seeing Cassidy. Legend looked as panicked as I was. After that little altercation though Grayson, Cassidy, and I went over to Max's house to tell him what was going on.

Meanwhile, it took every bit of strength in me to not blow up on Cassidy. And I mean EVERY. SINGLE. BIT. The fact that I was gonna be spending three days with her and my wife had trouble written all over it. I had a feeling someone was gonna get jealous and things would blow completely out of proportion. In the mean time though I had to try to convince Max to go and to pretend to be Cassie's boyfriend because if not, well... I really didn't want to find out what would happen.

"No! I'm not doing this! Are you guys insane?!" Max yelled after we told him about the situation at hand.

"Come on Max just do this one favor for me?" I begged.

"HELL... NO!" He retorted. "Lindsay would kill me if she found out."

"No she won't! I'll talk to her about it." Cassidy insisted.

"I said no. I'm not changing my mind."

She looked at him with sadness and pouted. "Please Scooter. For me?"

He gave her the Max stare out of pure frustration then gave in.

"Fine. But only if Lindsay's okay with it." He exclaimed.

"Okay with what?" A voice asked from behind us all.

We turned around and saw Lindsay walking in through the back door.

Cassidy looked at me hoping I could explain it to Lindsay but I wasn't having it. I shook my head no then pretended like I was zipping close my mouth.

"This is your responsibility." I said.

She rolled her eyes then turned to face Lindsay again, thinking of how to start off.

"Well." She began. "I kinda got myself into a problem... Remember when I told you that River's wife Allison had came home earlier?"

"Yea, what about it?" She asked.

"She thinks that River and I are messing around, which we are, but we can't let her find that out for sure. So River kinda told her that I was dating Max as a cover up."

"Okay?" She casually replied.

"That's not all." Cassidy continued. "She invited me to go camping with her and River this weekend but she also wants Max to go... to prove to her that he and I are really dating."

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