Chapter 172: Little One

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-1 week later-

Cassidy'd P.O.V.

It was positive.

There were so many mixed emotions running through me.

I was sad, happy, heartbroken, and overwhelmed all at the same time.

"What are you gonna do?" Asked Julia as she, Journey, and Lindsay glanced at the pregnancy test.

"I don't know...." I replied, fiddling with my fingers.

"Well you already know what River would want..." Said Lindsay.

"Well yea but..."

"But what?" Journey asked.

"If River doesnt pull through... I don't know if I'll be able to raise another kid alone. I already have to worry about raising Rome, Gray, Meadow, and Kai by myself."

"Cass you won't have to raise any of them alone." Said Julia. "You have me, Lindsay, Journey, Jordan, Max, AJ, Ryan, Legend, Sonny, Maracel, your brothers, your parents, and that's just to name a few. We're your support team. You won't ever have to do this alone."

"Exactly." Said Journey. "Plus you have Elise, Jenna, and Logan to help you as well."

"We've got you Cass." Lindsay added. "We're all a family."

"Thanks guys... That means a lot."

"Plus we could use another girl." Said Julia. "The guys outnumber us by a lot."

"That's true." I giggled. "And their confidence is way too high because of it."

"Yes!" Journey stated. "You know what Wesley said to Payton a few days ago? They were arguing and he went 'Women these days'... I couldn't believe it."

"Sounds like he's starting to take after Jordan." Lindsay laughed.

"Unfortunately. I already have to deal with Payton's attitude that she gets from her dad and now Wesley's starting to be a little jerk."

"I feel you on that one." Said Julia. "Brandon called told me to 'shut up hun' the other day and I almost slapped his dad for it."

"I genuinely feel like Morgan is taking after me., Said Lindsay. "He's really aggressive and whenever someone says something dumb he gives them the funniest 'wtf' look ever. Harley on the other hand is more like Max. Once I was tucking her into bed and she asked me to close her closet for her because she was scared. I asked her why scared and she said because her daddy told her that trannys sleep in her closet at night. Kids are ridiculous."

"Ridiculous is an understatement." I laughed. "Especially when it comes to Rome. He's so much like his dad its scary. He has such a big heart yet a badass mouth. You'd think that grounding him would teach him a lesson but nope. He just comes back stronger than ever. Then when he pisses off Meadow its like World War 3."

"Meadow's a tough little girl though." Journey giggled. "I'm sure she scares Rome more than he scares her."

"Kaiser scares Rome now that's for sure. A few weeks ago Rome kept picking on him so Kai picked up a guitar and swung it straight at Roman's face. River watched it happen and all he did was start laughing."

"Rome used to be the cutest little kid ever." Lindsay began. "Now he's just a major asshole."

"I can't argue with that." I chuckled.

Suddenly my phone rang and I quickly answered it when I saw that it was the hospital calling.


"Hi Mrs. Carson this is Dr. Martin, would you mind coming to the hospital sometime today? I need to talk to you."

"Of course of course." I said as I got up and slipped on my shoes. "I'll be there soon."

"Is everything okay?" Asked Journey.

"I hope so." I replied as I grabbed my keys and headed towards the front door.

Not sure of what to expect.


His words hit me like a wrecking ball as I sat in the chair in front of his office desk.

"His vitals dropped significantly overnight. His brain activity has decreased. His blood pressure is off the charts. And his heart rate is dangerously low. Its been a week and he's not getting any better. His condition has only worsened. Its never easy to say this but you're going to have to make a decision soon."

"What decision?" Though I knew what he meant.

"We can continue to keep him on life support which is the only thing keeping him alive now or we can pull the plug. However, his chance of survival, even on life support, is very low. Its your call. I'll let you ponder it and talk to the rest of the family about it but we'll need an answer by the end of this week."

I didn't think I could feel anymore heartbroken than I'd already been feeling.

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