Chapter 122: Candice.

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River's P.O.V.

I hugged her for what seemed like forever. This didn't feel real.

"Holy shit how have you been?" I asked, my smile still glued to my face.

"I've been pretty good. Carlisle mentioned a few days ago that you were gonna be here so I thought I'd come say hi."

"I'm glad you did. Its been forever."

"I know! I haven't seen you since we were 8. And may I say you are extremely handsome."

"You're very beautiful yourself." I replied.

"Surprise!" Grandpa exclaimed. "Told you you'd like it."

"Of course." I retorted.

Candice and I sat on the couch in the den to catch up.

This was insane.

"Who's she and why's River all googly-eyed?" Journey asked grandpa as she and Cassidy walked in.

"This is Candice." He stated. "River's childhood friend and very first girlfriend."

"Awww cute." Journey responded. "How'd you two meet?"

"Our moms were good friends." Said Candice. "Rivière and I have known eachother since birth. We were pretty much bestfriends. We got in trouble ALL the time together. I remember when we were really little, probably like 4, we made mud pies and brought them into his parents' house. We were running and both tripped and the mud went flying all over one of Elliott's contracts he'd made with a sporting agency. The contract was completely ruined and we didn't wanna get in trouble so we put it down the garbage disposal. When Elliott found out he was PISSED."

"Oh my god, I bet." Journey laughed. "So when did your little kiddie romance spark?"

"When we were 5." Candice giggled. "We were climbing a tree and I fell. I got a cut on my hand and I cried like a baby. Rivière jumped out of the tree and kissed my hand to make it feel better. Then from that day forward we never said goodbye without giving eachother little cheek kisses. He even bought me chocolates and flowers every valentine's day. He was such a little charmer."

"Was?" I asked. "I still am. I'm like prince charming."

"And cocky." Journey added. "I'm his sister by the way."

"Oh wow, its nice to meet you. Where's Legendè? I haven't seen him since he left a year ago."

"He's probably somewhere being stupid." I said. "Its what he does best."

She giggled and nodded her head in agreement.

"So how's life treated you?"

"Its been hard." I answered honestly. "After I left France life kinda became a nightmare. Hasn't really let up since."

"Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that. It definitely hasn't been easy for me either. I lost my 6 year old son just two years ago. His father and I recently divorced."

"Hm, I definitely know what that's like. I lost my babygirl about 6 years ago. And I've been through two divorces."

"Wow. You're the first person I've come across that understands. So anymore kids since then?"

"Yep. I have a bratty 16 year old and an outspoken 5 year old. Just a few weeks ago my ridiculously adorable twins were born. And I recently adopted an extremely curious 6 year old and an overdramatic 13 year old."

"How cute." She laughed. "Dating anyone?"

I glanced over at Cassidy who nervously looked away.

"Its complicated." I replied.

Candice followed my eyes then nodded her head signaling that she understood.

"I see." She responded. "Well, I have to get going pretty soon. Just thought I'd stop by to say hi. We should go have lunch sometime soon. Maybe catch up a bit more."

"I'd love that."

"Great. Can I ask for your number then?"


After exchanging numbers I walked her to the door.

"It was so nice seeing you!" She exclaimed as she hugged me. "You've grown into a very handsome man. And those eyes, its as if I'm looking into your mother's eyes. I bet you miss her."


"I know I do." She said. "Well I'll text you a bit later and we can set up a day to meet up."

"Sounds good."

"Alright then. Once again, it was good seeing you Rivière."

"You too Candice."

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