Chapter 99: Turning a New Leaf

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Cassidy's P.O.V.

We got to the safehouse within 20 minutes.

Luckily Peter hadn't made it yet.

We sprinted across the yard and Stormy knocked on the door.

Seconds later Caesar opened it.

"Thank god you made it before they did."

We went inside and saw everyone frantically preparing.

"Come this way." Said Caesar as he led us to a large room in the back of the house.

The room was stocked with weapons and ammo. It was the arms room.

Mathias was loading guns along with 3 other men.

"Good to see you're still alive." Mathias said to River as he threw him a large rifle. "River, Stormy, this is Isaac, Rex, and Tony. They're from another division but they were the closest recruits around."

He immediately stopped loading the gun in his hand when he saw me.

"Why's she here?" He asked River.

"I keep asking myself the same thing." River replied.

"I'm here to help." I stated. "And can I have a bigger gun? I'm almost sure I'll need a bigger one."

He and the guys all started laughing.

"No way bien aime. You're gonna hurt yourself trying to carry one of these." Said River.

"Hand me one." I insisted.

I was about to prove them wrong.

He handed me a rifle similar to his and I couldn't get a strong enough grip around it before it dropped to the ground.

"You're probably right." I admitted.

Mathias threw his gun over his shoulder then went into the living-room.

"Okay everyone in here. Now."

We all went into the living-room to hear what he was about to say.
"Tonight's gonna be rough." He began. "There's only 10 of us and a shitload of them. We WILL be outnumbered until Milo and Linus come with reinforcements. And I highly doubt they'll get here before those men do. The only thing we can do is fight until we drop. Because not only are we fighting to stay alive, but we're fighting to keep those kids safe. This Peter guy, we know who he is. And we know for a fact that he will not hesitate to shoot every kid in this house. Peter wants a fight. So we'll give him one. There's no turning back now. Remember the rules. If you somehow get surrounded by more than 3 men, don't risk trying to kill them all. If you see one of your own fighting with one of the other men and you can't get a clear shot, don't take the shot. And finally, don't do anything stupid unless you are 100% sure it'll save everyone's life. Oh, and try not to kill Tommy."

We heard the faint sound of trucks approaching and we all looked at eachother nervously.

"We've got about 3 minutes." Said Mathias. "Alright here's the plan. Caesar make sure that the bunker where the kids are is locked down and tell them to not make a sound until we open those doors again. Hurry."

Caesar ran down to the bunker while Mathias continued telling the plan.

"Isaac, you and Caesar will go up to the lookouts above the east wall and set up your positions there. Tony and Stone go to the west wall. Rex and I will position on the front dock. Blue, do you remember 6 years when we had to do a hit on the Japanese cartel and you found a way to screw with their guns? I need you to do that again. Cassidy go with him and cover him until he gets done."

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