Chapter 53: Snapped.

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River's P.O.V.

"Yea well maybe if you stopped acting like you have a dick up your ass all the time people might start giving a shit about what you say." I bluntly told my boss who came to visit me in my hospital room as I walked out of the bathroom from putting my sweatpants on.

"River!" Gabriela called out in shock. "That's no way to talk to your boss! I'm so sorry ma'am, he doesn't mean all of that."

"Yes the hell I do." I replied as I turned my attention back to Dr. Green. "I meant every word."

"Son she could fire you if she wanted to! Stop it!" Gabriela begged me.

I laughed at how afraid she sounded.

"Relax she's not gonna fire me. I'm the head of her surgeons. She has no choice but to put up with my shit talking. Plus I'm pretty sure she has a thing for me."

Legend bursted out laughing and Gabriela threw a pillow at me. I grinned and walked around to the other side of the hospital bed to put my shoes on.

"Dude you're not even supposed to be out of bed. Let alone walking around. You literally just had heart surgery." Legend stated.

"Screw what Dr. Warren says. I can do whatever I want."

"Where do you get that mouth of yours from?" Gabriela asked.

"I dunno. Its just natural I guess." I responded.

"Well Dr. Carson, like I was saying, you're an adult. You can't keep putting yourself in danger like this. It seems like everytime I walk into this hospital someone tells me that you've nearly gotten yourself killed. You're an amazing doctor. This hospital can't afford to lose you." Dr. Green retorted as she left the room.

"She's right River." Dad followed up. "Its time to put an end to that. I don't wanna have to bury my son."

If I wasn't me, those words would have hit hard. But since I am me, I only got ticked off.

"Dad if it wasn't for me you'd have to be planning a funeral for two of your kids right now! When I got there last night Legend was only seconds away from his last breath! If I hadn't shown up to help, Jesse would've killed him and Journey as well as Jordan and A.J.! Dad you taught me to never turn my back on someone that needs help. And I never have so what makes you think I'm gonna start now?"

"Son that's not what I meant. I'm extremely grateful for what you did. I just think that maybe if you would've just talked to Jesse instead of fighting him, you wouldn't be laying up in a hospital right now." He replied.

"Have you ever known me to talk my way out of something? No I don't do that. I always accept the consequences of my actions because I REFUSE to EVER bow down to any son of a bitch on this planet."

"River, honey, calm down. You shouldn't be doing this. You just got out of surgery son." Gabriela stated.

"I'm not your son. You're not my mom okay? You're Legend's mom. My mom is dead. For 20 years I've been pretending to be fine with you thinking you're my mom but you're not! You don't even like me!" I lashed out.

Everyone went into a state of disbelief. Cassidy looked more uncomfortable than anything.

"River Jonah how dare you?! I've always treated you no different than I treat Legend and Journey and you know that!"

"Oh don't start with that bullshit. When I was 10 I heard you tell my dad that he should send me to a fucking boarding school! And you hate the person I grew up to be. But the most fucked up thing is the fact that you blame the way I am on my mom's death! Don't even try to deny it because I've literally heard you say it!"

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