Chapter 92: Damn it Tommy (pt 2)

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Cassidy's P.O.V.

Cato asked me to step out of the room while he finished talking to River.

Instead of just waiting at the door, I went downstairs as I heard voices.

As I walked into the living-room I saw Tommy and Caesar sitting on the couch with a crap load of guns, cleaning them.

With everything that had been happening, guns now scared me.

"Ever held one?" Tommy asked.

I shook my head no as uneasiness swept over me.

"Would you like to?"

"Uh... I don't know."

"Oh come on. I'll show you how to hold one of the smaller ones."

I was hesitant. I did not like guns.
"Let him show you." Caesar insisted. "Tommy's a pro."

I finally agreed and walked up to Tommy.

"I'll be back. I need to see what's taking Blue so long." Said Caesar as he jogged down to the basement.

"Okay." Tommy began. "We'll start you off with a basic pistol."

He handed me a pistol and I carefully took it away from him.

"Don't worry, its not loaded." He guaranteed. "Now for smaller guns, you wanna hold it straight out in front of you with your arms straight ahead. Like this."

He positioned my hand around the gun and fixed my arms so that they were straight out and the gun was at eye level.

"Your stance is perfect." He smiled. "You've pretty much got it. I'm impressed."

I lowered the gun and handed it to him.

"I wanna show you something else." He said.

He turned it so that it was sideways and he pointed to a little lever.

"This is the safety. Pull it towards you and the gun won't shoot. Push it away from you and it will."

He handed it to me and I inspected the safety mechanism.

I honestly thought guns were more difficult to work than they actually were.

"That's not so hard." I said as I smiled and looked up at him.

He smiled back as he put his hands in his pockets.

"You have a really pretty smile."

"Thanks." I nervously giggled. "I hate my smile though."


"It just looks awkward and unnatural and kinda terrifying. Every time I say that though, River tickles me until I can't breathe and forces me to take it back." I laughed.

"He should. There's no way you should be ashamed of it. That pretty smile can light up the whole room."

I know I was blushing at that point.

There was silence between us for a few seconds as I stood there acting like a nervous wreck.

I looked back at him and saw that he was staring down at me, still smiling.

"I should probably leave." I said. "I have a bad history of kissing guys that I'm not supposed to because I swoon easily."

I was about to turn away until he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"But... What if I want you to kiss me?"

I didn't know what to say. I literally didn't have words.

Suddenly I heard something slam and I spun around and accidentally pulled the trigger on the gun as it went off.

Before I knew what was happening I saw River knee down to the ground in pain.

"Son of a bitch!" He yelled out. "What in the actual fuck!"

The bullet went through his hand.

"Fucking Cassidy..." He groaned though gritted teeth as he held onto the bullet wound to slow down the excessive bleeding.

"You said it wasn't loaded!" I yelled at Tommy.

"I might've accidentally gave you the wrong gun..." He replied with an "oh shit" look on his face.

Suddenly Blue, Caesar, Stone, Mathias, and Cato all came running into the living room from different directions.

"What happened?" Asked Mathias.

"Cassidy shot River." Tommy said, clearly struggling not to laugh.

"Its not funny Tommy!" I retorted.

"I know." He replied as he walked away, laughing uncontrollably.

"River I'm sooo sorry." I apologized. "It was an accident I swear."

He ignored me and followed Mathias to the back to get the wound taken care of.

"Really? I literally just shot you and you're still gonna give me the silent treatment?"

He turned around and stuck his tongue out at me then kept walking.

This was ridiculous.

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