Chapter 185: That Was Close.

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Mara's P.O.V.

"Mara you're slipping. Stop being so distracted by whatever it is thats distracting you." Sidnoyus instructed.

"I'm trying!" I remarked.

"You're clearly not trying hard enough."

Course training had been a wreck so far. Today was the first day of training again since Apollo died and I just couldn't seem to grasp onto the things that Sid was trying to teach me because it was so different from how I was originally taught. But I wasn't the only one having that dilemma... Literally all of the kids that were trained by Apollo were having the same problem adjusting to a new trainer.

And it didn't help that Sid was one of those "2nd borns are evil" people. I could tell he didn't like me but he was just nicer about it.
"I'm trying my best Sidnoyus." I insisted. "I'm just not used to training like this."

"Being able to adapt is one of our most essential qualities. You must learn how to succeed more than one way."

"Why do you care if she succeeds anyway?" Asked one of the boys named Patrick. "Don't you hate her?"

"No I'm not too fond of her but I was given the task of training all of you, including Mara, so thats what I'm going to do."

"Great." I mumbled.

"Why don't you guys take a quick break... We'll continue in 20 minutes."

We waited for Sid to walk out of the training room then the 6 of us quickly assembled into a circle to finish our conversation from earlier.

"So how are we gonna do this?" Asked Willow.

"Jedi and Patrick have a better chance of sneaking into Ca'sius's office without getting caught." I stated.

"I'm only 10.... What makes you think I won't get caught????" Asked Jedi.

"Yes you're small but you're sneaky as hell." I remarked.

"What exactly do you want us to look for?" Asked Patrick.

"A folder. A scarlet red folder thats packed with papers."

"What if they get caught?" Asked Neveah, the youngest out of us.

"We have to take the risk." I said. "We need to find out what Cato and Ca'sius are hiding."

"What of they're not even hiding anything?" Asked Cage, the 2nd youngest.

"Dude I saw the folder lying on the table in the dining hall and as soon as I picked it up Cato snatched it away from me then he and Ca'sius started walking away all suspiciously. There's something in that folder that they didn't want me to see.... Now, here's the plan...."

Patrick's P.O.V.

The fact that Mara decided to send me, a 14 year old, and Jedi, a 10 year old, to sneak into Ca'sius's office still baffled me.

The last time I decided to sneak into a place I almost got my head blown off by Peter's men.

Jedi and I made our way through the air vents of the Mezzarin, following the directions we were given to Ca'sius's office.

"I think this is it." I said to Jedi, looking down into a dimly lit room.

"Lets please make this quick..." He retorted. "I've really gotta pee."

"Why didn't you pee before we got all the way here?"

"Because I didn't have to pee at first but now all of this pressure is building up and its making me nervous so if we could please make this quick I would really appreciate it."

I carefully pushed the opening of the vent and jumped down into the office as Jedi followed.

I then pulled out my phone and called Mara.

"We're in." I stated after she answered.

"Great. Cage and Neveah are talking to Ca'sius and Cato right now. They're only going to be able to stall them for a few minutes so hurry."

"Got it. Hey Jedi, lets check his desk."

We went through drawer after drawer but couldn't find what we were looking for at all.

"Mara are you sure its in here?" I asked.

"Yes I'm sure. I saw them walk in there with the folder and walk out without it."

"Wait a minute..." Said Jedi.

He reached underneath the desk and slid out a medium sized steel safe.

I picked it up and sat it on top of the desk as we high fived eachother.

There happened to be a lock on it but luckily I had Jedi.

"Do your thing." I said to him.

He smiled then placed his hand on top of the safe, closing his eyes as he did it.

After a few seconds he opened his eyes and removed his hand.

"The code is 76254783."

I put in the code and the safe clicked open.

"Nice." I said.

Unfortunately, when we opened it there wasn't one scarlet red folder.... There were 30.

"Mara... We kinda have a problem."

"What is it?" She asked.

"There's a crapload of scarlet folders..." Jedi answered.

"You're gonna haven even bigger problems if you don't get out of there soon." Willow stated. "Ca'sius and Cato are heading towards the office."

"What do we do!?" I asked.

"Just take all of them!" Mara responded.

"But they're gonna know that someone's been in here if we take all of them."

"We don't have a choice now grab them and get out of there!"

I grabbed all of the folders as Jedi closed the safe and slid it back under the desk.

I then threw the folders up into the vent, helped Jedi climb up, then jumped up myself, managing to climb inside and close the vent just as Ca'sius and Cato walked it.

We quickly grabbed the folders and crawled our way through the vents and as far away from the office as we could....

That was close.

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