Chapter 49: The Cycle

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Cassidy's P.O.V.

The next day was weird as hell. Everyone tried to conversate with Allison as a way to take her mind off of River but she didn't want to talk to anyone. River and I decided we wouldn't be all lovey-dovey around her so that we wouldn't upset her. I really did feel bad for her though. She didn't look the same. Her eyes had bags under them and were a bit puffy... I assumed she'd been crying the night before. River kept trying to talk to her both yesterday and today to put her at ease but she refuses to talk to him. I wanted to comfort her but I knew I wouldn't be able to considering I was part of the reason why she was so upset in the first place.

We were leaving at 8 (pm) so we began packing around 6:30. We packed pretty fast though, it only took about thirty minutes to get everything in the cars even the tents. For the remainder of the time we just kinda did our own thing and ventured around the campgrounds. Allison sat at the picnic table contemplating and told us not to bother her. Jordan and River went exploring the woods, which brought so much joy to my heart because I loved seeing them get along. Lindsay and Max walked down to the lake to talk about things and AJ and I started heading over to where Sonny's campsite was to say goodbye.

On our way down there I noticed that he looked a bit worried.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

No answer.

He just continued to walk and stare at the ground.


Still no answer.

"Aiden!" I said raising my voice a little.

"Huh?" He finally answered. "Oh sorry, I was just... thinking about something."

"About what?"

"Oh nothing important." He lied.

"Obviously it is because you seem to be thinking about it pretty hard." I concluded.

Seeing as though I wasn't going to stop pestering him he finally gave in.

"Is it weird that I want a kid?" He asked.

I poked out my lip a little and moved my eyes side to side.

"No. Its not weird.... But why is it bothering you?"

"Well, idk. Its just that after seeing how River took in Grayson even though he didn't even know him and how much he cares about him and also how you're pregnant and have the support of everyone around you. It kinda makes me think about my parents. And how they were hardly ever in my life as a kid. I grew up feeling unwanted and unloved. And since I was the only child, I didn't have siblings to comfort me and make me feel wanted. I felt abandoned and like life was worthless. No one was there to help me. That's why I want a kid. I wanna make someone feel what I didn't growing up. I wanna show a kid that life isn't worthless; you just have to surround yourself with the right people."

I looked at him in amazement because out of my two years of knowing him I've never heard him say anything like that.

"Well then find the right girl, and have yourself a baby." I giggled as I wrapped my arm around him so that we were arm in arm.

He nodded his head and smiled. "Will do."

We approached Sonny's campsite and saw that they too were packing up. Sonny spotted us and called us over.

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