Chapter 183: Breaking.

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Sehrem's P.O.V.

"You knew and you didn't tell me!!!!" She yelled, tears pouring down her face as she repeatedly threw her fists at me.

"Cassidy I'm not the bad guy here." I said to her as I grabbed her wrists to stop her from assaulting me.

"Yes you are Sehrem I shouldn't have fucking trusted you but you literally made me!! How could you not tell me something like this!?" She struggled to pull her wrists away from me then decided to kick me in the shin instead.

"Can you please just let me explain?" I asked.

But she wasn't hearing it.

She continued kicking me and trying to break away from my grip so I spun her around, quickly grabbed her arms, though not before she elbowed me in the nose, then restrained her and forced her to sit on the floor as I did the same.

"Let me go!!!!" She screamed.

Fortunately there was no one at the Rift at the moment so she wasn't causing much of a scene.

"Not until you calm down..." I calmly replied.

She tried for about half a minute longer to break away but eventually wore herself out and just sat there motionless, crying.

"I miss him so much." She said, her voice breaking to the point that it was barely audible. "I've tried so hard to stay strong. I've tried. But I can't. This still doesn't feel real. No matter how hard I try I just can't accept the fact that he's gone."

"Its going to take time Cassidy. That doesn't mean you're not strong."

"Time isn't gonna heal anything... River's dead. He was such a pain in the ass sometimes but he was the only one who held me down 24/7 and he was the only reason why I was strong. He made me strong. I can't do this Sehrem. Its so hard losing someone that you spent nearly everyday with for 10 years. I just want him back. That's all I want. I miss River."

"I know you don't want to hear this but I have to remind you. You'll fall in love more than once. It might take years but I promise you'll fall in love again. You'll be genuinely happy again."

"This isn't about falling in love I just want River. I don't care if he came back and we got divorced and moved on I just want him alive. He wasn't just a guy that I fell in love with Sehrem. He was my bestfriend and he taught me soooo much like how to be strong and love myself. He guided me in the right direction and helped me to find myself. He just made my life better. Now he's gone and everything's fucked up. Everything at home, everything here at the Rift.... He held everything and everyone together. He was the rock of all of this. Now Jordan, Lindsay, Sony, Ryan and AJ pity me, Max is going crazy, Journey and Legend aren't talking to anyone, Raes is going rogue, my kids haven't smiled in two weeks, and I don't even know if I can trust you anymore. I don't know if I can trust anyone. Things aren't the same."

"Things will fall back into place. They always do. And yes you can trust me. Cassidy its been years since I've used my powers on you. I haven't made you believe anything I've told you. You believed it because you wanted to. Not because I made you. Do not let the words of Raes hinder true thoughts. Raes is still grieving and will continue to say things out of grief. He's right, I have in fact done things that I'm not proud of but so has everyone else. And no I'm not completely honest all of the time but I only bend the truth to protect others. Never to misguide them."

"Then why didn't you tell me that you guys have River's body?!"

"Because I knew how you would react. You're still in pain so I figured I would wait until a bit of time passes."

"But why do you guys have him here? Why did you have to unbury him?"

"To protect his powers. Yes he's dead but his powers are not gone. There are people of my kind that can absorb power. And now that everyone knows that my brother is dead, a rival would have unburied his body and took it themselves. We can't allow that which is why we keep our deceased here at the Rift."

"So he's buried here?"

"No we don't bury them, we keep them somewhere..."

"Can I see him?" She softly asked, sounding a bit unsure.


"I just need confirmation that he's dead... Otherwise I won't be able to accept it..."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I just have to know..."

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