Chapter 88: Going in Circles

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Cassidy's P.O.V.

I met up with Allison the next day.

She texted me this morning, asking me if I was okay.

I wanted to get to the bottom of this whole situation.

I trusted River but he's done so many shady things in the past that made what Allison told me sound true.

And the message, the message got to me the most because that was proof.

Once River left to meet up with Mathias I told Elise to help Maracel watch over the kids until I came back.

I drove 20 minutes to Allison's house and we sat down in the backyard to talk about things.

"I'm just gonna say it..." I began. "I don't wanna believe that what you said is true. A part of me feels like you're just doing this for the hell of it."

"Wow. He's got you hooked huh." She said. "That's exactly how I was. I'd always have my suspicions that he was talking to other women and he'd always swear up and down to me that he wasn't. Then he'd put on that stupid smile that I loved. And I always believed him. I trusted him 100%. He used to always tell me, its me and you forever my love, and I fell for it. Stupid me."

"And you're not just trying to ruin our relationship?"

She laughed.

"Sweetie don't take this the wrong way, but I couldn't care less about how your relationship turns out."

"Then why did you tell me about what happened? If you didn't care then you probably would've just kept it to yourself."

"I told you so because I'm trying to help you personally. Not your relationship. You're so young and naive and River's using that to his advantage. He knows how naive you are and he knows that if he says the right things you'll believe everything he says. Who knows, he might actually love you. He also might actually want a future with you. Regardless of that, it still doesn't change the fact that we had sex."

"This is just so hard for me. Last night, when he looked into my eyes and promised that it didn't happen, something about him told me he was lying."

"Don't let it get to you sweetie. Like I said, I was in your shoes once. But right now, you have something that I didn't have: someone to warn you about him. If someone would've told me ahead of time just how manipulative, deceitful, and harmful he was I would've never married him."

"Harmful?" I asked wondering what she meant by that.

She looked away as if debating on if she wanted to tell me or not.
"Allison... Please?"

She looked down and started playing with her fingers.

"I've never told anyone this so promise you want tell anyone either."

"Of course." I said.

She cleared her throat.

"There were times when River and I would get into an argument and the argument would get way out of hand and um... He..."

I heard her voice fading in and out... Even shaking a bit.

"He didn't... Hit you... Did he?"

She slowly nodded her head yes as she tried to hide her tears by not looking at me.

"When did it happen?" I asked.

"It wasn't just a one time thing." She said. "Just- whenever he got mad. His anger would get the best of him and he'd snap."

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