Chapter 14: No Dolls Tonight

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Lindsays's P.O.V

First of all let me just start off by saying that Cassidy took for fucking ever to leave professor Carson's office. She didn't come out of there until 30 damn minutes later. And when she did she was all giggly and smiling ear to ear like an idiot and wouldn't even tell me why.

After I dropped her off at home I drove home myself. I'm currently living with my mom for a bit because my apartment is getting exterminated. There were so many termites in there you wouldn't even believe it if I told you.

As soon as I pulled into my parent's drive way I got a text from Max.

Max: Hey Linds.

Me: Hey.

Max: How's the devil's favorite demon doing tonight?

Me: I'm fine. How about you Scooter?

Max: Pretty good as well...though I still don't get why you and Cassidy call me Scooter.

Me: Lol inside joke. So what's up?

Max: You know what else is funny? The fact that you think you're cute. But anyways, I just texted because somethings been on my mind for a while now...

Me: Whats wrong?

Max: I feel like it'd be better to talk about it in person. Can I come over?

Me: Yea, sure.

Max: Ok. I'll be there in 15.

Me: k.

I went inside the house and was immediately greeted by my 7 year old sister Natalie.

"Hi sissy!!!!!" She screamed as she wrapped her arms around my legs.

I chuckled at the sight of her. She reminded me so much of myself when I was that age.

"Hey Nat!" I screamed just as loud.

"Can you play with my dolls with me???" She cutely asked.

"Yea sure but I have a friend coming over in a bit so how about I play with you afterwards?"

"Okay!" She excitedly yelled as she finally let go of my leg.

I went up to my room and put on my PJ's. I had toooons of homework to do for my classes but I figured I'd just get them done after Max left.

About 20 minutes later the doorbell rang and I ran to the door as fast as I could. I hadn't talked to Max since last week when we all stayed over Jordan's and Cassidy's place.

I opened the door and nearly died of happiness.

"SCOOTER!" I yelled as I gave him a giant hug. "I MISSED YOU!"

"I missed you too." He laughed.

I invited him inside and closed the door. My mom came into the living room and of course made both me AND Max as uncomfortable as she possibly could.

"Aw Lindsay is this your boyfriend?! He's a handsome fella! My name is Carol and you are?" She asked while reaching out to shake Max's hand.

"Not her boyfriend...I'm Maxwell but I go by Max." He replied as he shook her hand.

"Oh I'm sorry. So you're just a friend?" She gave him one of her 'don't lie to me' looks and I just had to step in.

"Yes mom. He's just a friend. In fact he's almost 30. And you've literally met him like three times before. Can we leave now?"

"Now that you mention it he does look familiar. And almost 30?! He could easily pass for 24!" Her face lit up as if she was truly shocked.

"I get that a lot." Max replied.

I simply just rolled my eyes.

"Well I guess I'll leave you two alone now. Nice meeting you... again... Maxwell." My mom said as she finally left.

"I think I like her more than you." Max stated.

I punched his arm and led him to my room.

He sat on my bed with his back against the headboard as I looked for a movie on Netflix to watch.

"Whoa I didn't come here to Netflix and chill I just wanted to talk." He joked.

"Oh shut up Max." After searching for about five minutes I decided to watch Forrest Gump. Its one of my and Cassidy's favorite movies. I turned the lamp off and laid next to Max as the movie started.

About 45 minutes into the movie I found myself laying against his chest with his arms wrapped around me. I really didn't think much of it considering me and Cassidy always cuddled up with Max, Aj, and Jordan just because the both of us love cuddling any and everything.

We didn't talk at all for those first 45 minutes because we were so into the movie even though we'd both seen it like a million times.

Though Max eventually broke the silence.

"Hey, belli..." He said.

"Yes? Wait- I've been meaning to ask you why you call me that." I stated, looking up at him.

"Short for bellissima... means beautiful in Italian." He replied with amusement.

"What about call Cassidy that a lot."

"Piccola means little one." He answered.

"Ohhh. How do you even know Italian?" I asked curiously.

"Because my mom is from Italy...."

"Whoa really? You're Italian?!"

"Only half. Lindsay you know this already. I've known you for two years." He laughed.

"Oh- oops. Anyways, what did you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"Remember when I said something's been on my mind a lot lately?" He asked "Well, I have a question."

"Okay." I stated. "Shoot."

"That night...when we had sex...did that mean anything to you?" He asked with a calmness in his voice.

"Uh- I- why?" I nervously sat up and faced him.

"Because, ever since that night it seems like every time you see me with another girl you get upset." He stated as be grabbed the remote and turned the tv all the way down.

"I dont know." I responded trying my best not to look him in the eyes.

"Lindsay you've gotta tell me if you have feelings for me." He replied as he grabbed one of my hands.

"Whyyy?!" I asked frustratingly.

"Because I need to know so that I can stop sleeping around with other girls and make you my priority." He said.

His eyes were full of confusion and I had no doubt that mine were as well.

"Max, what are you saying?" I asked trying to see if he was saying what I thought he was saying.

"I'm saying that that night meant something to me. Before we had sex I was confused about the way I felt about you but afterwards it helped me to realize that I do have feelings for you. And they're strong. That's why I need to know if you feel the same. Because if you do, I'll stop talking to other girls and focus on you and only you but if you don't...I'll just move on and forget that night ever happened...the ball's in your court Lindsay."

I placed my hand on his cheek and kissed him...and kissed him...and kissed him... he grabbed me and slowly laid me against the bed as he took his shirt off and positioned himself on top of me.As soon as he slid his hand up my thigh only one thing came to mind....

Natalie's gonna have to play by herself tonight.

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