Birthday Suprise

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Type: Oneshot
Pairing: Sherlock x reader
Warnings: none

You let out a groan as the annoying ringing of your alarm sounded, you clumsily reached to turn it off, knocking the phone off the table in process.

"Y/N keep it down." Sherlock groaned from the other side of the bed.

The clock read 7:00am, fairly early, fairly late.


It was (your birthday date)

You broke out into a smile, new found energy possessing you as you rolled over and poked Sherlock.

"Yes dear?" He asked, slightly annoyed you had disturbed his slumber.

"Guess what day it is." You smirked, giddy like a child on Christmas morning.



"The (insert date)?"


Sherlock rubbed his eyes, rolling over and looking at you, clearly confused.

"You aren't serious." Your joy slowly began to fade. "Out of all the stuff in that big brain of your's, you don't know what today is?"

"..... Happy Valentine's Day?" You'd clearly stumped the genius.

You rolled your eyes, feeling a slight pain emotionally. Once again he'd forgotten an important day, honestly sometimes you wondered why you stayed with him.

"It's not important." You muttered, swinging your legs over the side of the bed, your bare feet colliding with the cold floor.


"I have to work Sherlock." You said coldly, slamming the bathroom door. Sherlock was beyond confused, fumbling for his phone, now fully awake. The calendar explaining it all.

Her Birthday Day.


You didn't see Sherlock again before you went to work and you honestly didn't care. A small amount of sadness poked at you, but you drowned it out with massive amounts of paperwork. Your only break was yelling at Anderson to shut the hell up and let you work.
You closed your eyes and massaged your temples, highly annoyed at the fact you had been working until seven on Your birthday. Suddenly your phone dinged.

Get dressed up, we're going out.


I'm Busy - y/n

Do it anyway - Mary

You were about to reply when you heard Lestrade calling for you, great.

You groaned and dramatically slid your rolling chair back before standing. You walked over to his office, finding him leaned back in his chair. "Shouldn't you be out with Sherlock?"

"He didn't even know what today was." You muttered, looking up at him.

"Go home and slap him for me alright?" A small smiled tugged at Lestrade's lips, trying to lift his mood. You gave him a sad smile before turning, grateful to be able to leave the place of torture you called work. You loved your job, but man did it stress you out. "Oh and Y/N?"


"Happy Birthday."

You caught a cab, finding the driver strangely suspicious, let's just say you were more than happy to get out of that car.

You dug through your bag searching for your keys, letting out an exasperated sigh as you realized they were sitting on the kitchen counter in the flat. You let out a variety of curses as you knocked. "Ms. Hudson?" You called out, only for the door to open and reveal your close blonde friend. "Come on." She shooed you up the stairs before you could react, finding yourself in your room. A nice red dress laid out with matching shoes and jewelry. "You have an hour or less." And with that, Mary ducked out of the room.


After a nice shower and looking nice enough for an audience with the queen. No, you were not wrapped in a sheet, but rather a tight cocktail dress. You didn't understand why you were doing any of this, but you were too tired to care. You casted one last glance at the mirror before walking out of your room, finding Mary waiting for you. She didn't seem to be dressed nearly as nice as you. "Am I over dressed?" You looked down at yourself, suddenly very self conscious. "Your fine dear." Mary chuckled, taking your arm and leading you out into the cold London Night.


You let out a whistle as you looked upon the restaurant, feeling the upper class people look at you, quite obvious you didn't belong. She led you inside, murmuring something to the hostess, and with that Mary abandoned you to the hostess. You clutched your pocketbook tightly as you weaved through people and tables, finally being led to one for two off to the side. Surprised you find your boyfriend already seated, you took a seat. "Sherlock how the hell did you afford this?" You looked at him wide eyed.

"Owner owes me a favor, I cleared his son's name. Do you like it?" The detective asked, his gaze locking with yours.

"It's amazing!" You said softly, soon, plates were sat infront of the both of you, but Sherlock didn't seem to touch his food, and you didn't want to seem like a pig, but it was the first thing you've eaten all day. Sherlock's fingers seemed to have a twitch and his eyes stayed on you. You raised an eyebrow, placing your hand on top of his, "Sherlock , baby , you alright?" He looked at you for a moment before nodding.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." Sherlock took a shakey breath before grasping your hand in his, a rare sign of affection. "{ your full name }, I've never done anything like this before, but... Well um..." He cleared his throat and reached towards his pocket and you watched him carefully. "You've stuck with with me when I faked my death, you were always there even when I did my best to push you away, you stayed with me. You could silence me or Mycroft with just one look, the way youve shown me how important human interaction truly is. I'd never truly known sentiment and compassion and emotion until I met you." He stood before kneeling on the floor and a ring was in his hands. "Y/N L/N, would you please become Mrs. Holmes?"

Your eyes widened, a hand flying over your mouth. You found yourself speechless, all you could do was nod. Sherlock carefully slid the ring on your finger, he slowly stood and forgetting any class or anything you wrapped your arms around him tightly. You pulled him into a sweet embrace, a tear streaming down your cheek. People applauded around you but all you could see was Sherlock. You intertwined his fingers with yours, "I love you." You said softly. He uttered four simple words you thought you would never hear.

"I love you too."


Alright so I've never written a proposal before, much less from Sherlock so.... XD. I tried my best.

Requests are open y'all!

I might have one more up tomorrow.

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