
4.6K 97 46

Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Lestrade x Reader

Warnings: none

Requested by: Charlotte_Moriarty

You hummed a little tune under your breath, finishing up in the kitchen. John and Sherlock were seated in the living room, entertaining your little girl Lucy, ( sorry you always have a daughter but little girls are adorable and boys are like dirt dirt dirt ik it's sexist sowwy) you soon finished preparing your chicken and slipped it in the oven, you'd invited the two over for Lucy's birthday dinner.

You wiped your hands on your pants, turning and entering the living room to find John seated on the couch, Sherlock on the floor, legs crossed and seven year old Lucy seated in the same position. They both just stared at each other.

"What's happening?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow, looking over at John. "They're having a staring contest. Both are too stubborn to give in." John remarked. Sherlock began to twitch slightly, "I will not be beaten by a six year old."

"Seven!" Lucy squealed.

"Same thing." Sherlock growled.

You watched them both for a moment before walking around them, gently kneeling down silently. You brought your fingertips to Sherlock's sides and he jerked, blinking.

"I win!" Lucy cheered, standing.

"Interference!" Sherlock glared at you and you smirked.

"Is Greg still not home yet?" You questioned, looking around.

"No." John shook his head as Sherlock stood and plopped down on the couch and laid down in John's lap, pouting like a five year old.

"Hmm." You put a hand on your hip, reaching for your phone, distracted by a small voice.

"Mom look what I found!" She had a large photo album in her arms, you smiled softly.

"Can we look at it?"

"Sure." You smiled and walked over to the couch, picking up Sherlock's legs and tossed them off the couch and sat down, patting the seat to you. She climbed up, sitting down. Sherlock grumbled and sat, you opened it and placed the album down on your lap.

"Whose that pretty lady?" Lucy questioned, pointing to a picture of a woman in a white and purple dress, (hair color) locks tied up in a ponytail.

"That would be your mother." John sipped his drink, peering over.

"Really?!" She looked down at it then back at you.

"You're mother was a popular woman." Sherlock looked at the pictures.

"Until I met you." You retorted, smirking and he shrugged, grinning.

You turned the page and fought back a laugh as she pointed to a taller boy, his brown hair greased back, a Black shirt clinging to his somewhat muscular form. His arm wrapped around a smaller boy, sandy blonde hair and a sweater vest.

"Is that... Uncle Sherlock?" She looked at Sherlock wide eyed, The color drained from Sherlock's face as he laid eyes on the picture. "No it can't be. He has muscles." You looked at Sherlock and he elbowed you. "Yes it's me." He glared at you, "and uncle John."

You flipped the page and chuckled as you found a picture of Sherlock holding you princess style, you smiling like an idiot.

"What's this one?" She questioned.

"Sherlock and me pretended to be dating before I met your daddy and he met John."

"Why were you pretending?"

"Let's just say he used to be somewhat of a ladies man." Memories of Irene flashed through your mind and you couldn't help but remember the smug look on Sherlock's face as Irene had seen him scoop you up, the woman had been infuriated.

"USED?" Sherlock looked at you and John swatted him.

"Your father wasn't the first you know. Most the time Sherlock was beating boys off a stick to keep them away from her." John added, looking at the photos. "Oh please, it was nothing like that." You rolled your eyes.

"Remember Anderson?" Sherlock smirked.

"Anderson liked mommy?!" The little girl bursted into laughter and you buried your hands in your hands and groaned. "Oh yes H e was always trying to ask her out. You should of seen your father's reaction." Sherlock chuckled.

"Is that how he got the bruise on his nose?" Lucy questioned, and you all smirked at the memory.

You looked down in the lower corner, Lucy's brown eyes widened. "WHOAH, whose he?"

You smiled softly, a certain man with slicked back brown hair, a sliver fox jacket was leaning against his bike, you wrapped up in his arms, he was flashing a winning smile at the camera, you were staring at him.

"That's-" you were cut off by the front door opening, revealing the one and only Greg Lestrade. "Sorry I'm late." He shrugged off his coat. He looked at the photo album in your arms. "No! Not the album!" Greg's eyes widened.

"Oh yes." You smirked, closing the book and handing it to Sherlock. You walked over the Greg and placed a quick kiss on his lips, turning to find Sherlock and Lucy both covering their eyes.

"gross!" Lucy wrinkled her nose. You rolled your eyes and Greg smirked and kissed you again. Greg walked over and picked Lucy up, taking her towards the kitchen, when they were out of earshot you looked back at Sherlock. "You have no room, you know I always wondered what those sounds were that seemed to always come from the back of John's car." And with that you turned and walked into the kitchen.


Yay to three updates! I've been in a writing mood.

Lately my notifications have been

And I love y'all so much for it!

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And I love y'all so much for it!

I can't believe I've come so far, when I first posted alive I was so nervous and insecure I almost deleted it and now look at me with over 2k reads. I love you guys more then you know, you've been so supportive and patient and you're all amazing.

Also thank you to the spectacular  drayizzle for helping with the name

Love y'all

Bye bye for now

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