The Queen Of Crime Part 3

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Queen of Crime Part 3

Collab with drayizzle

Did you miss us? Because I missed us.

Myfirstnameisdrayizzle has returned, with some fluffedy fluff fluff

Like a fluffy bunny wrapped in a fluffy blanket

With cupcakes. And AmazingPhil. Yes he fits in the adorable category. Mah little sunshine.TANGENT DETECTED OKAY MOVING ON. (Did anyone else sing that in their head? Kinda like Dan's "bad friend detected." No? Okay. Continue.)

*moves arms to signal myfirstnameisagent's signature line*



Your eyelids fluttered and you could see the lights shining through them. You blinked rapidly as you subjected yourself to the fluorescent brightness that shone from the ceiling. You waited patiently as your senses started to work again. You smelled cleaner, tasted metal, heard snoring, and touched skin. You looked down, noticing a pale hand clutching yours, tightly if you might add. It belonged to no other than Sherlock Holmes. You bit your lip to hold back from grinning at his childlike peacefulness and messy hair. You eyed your clasped hands again, noticing that his fit like a glove around yours, a warm glove. Suddenly a sharp pain cut through you, taking away your breath and clouding your vision with black. After it subsided seconds later, you moved the sheet away from your body and found a bandage covering your right chest. So that's what happened, you thought. A knock came from your hospital door, and it opened before you could ask who it was. DI Lestrade snuck in, not noticing that you were awake. He shut the door quietly, and twitched in fear when he caught you staring.

"God you scared me!" he breathed heavily. "But you're awake now, good."

"Oh, didn't I chain you to the door?" You raised an eyebrow, ignoring the pain that surged through you as you raised a hand to your right temple, your eyes recovering now from the bright lights.

The other's fingers laced with Sherlock's and Lestrade looked at the two of you, "He's never acted that way."

"What way?" You raised an eyebrow, fixing your eyes on the D.I.

"Caring. He sat with you the whole time. Mycroft had to make several donations to the Hospital, the nurses were ready to throw him out. I've never seen a woman with mickey mouse on her shirt look so deadly with a syringe." A slight smirk pulled at his lips and you smiled softly.

"What happened? He refused to talk about anything except giving you medical care."

Your eyes widened. Moran.

You squirmed out from under the blanket, using your free hand to rip away various IV tubes and such, Lestrade rushed over, "What are you doing?!"

"I have some unfinished business." You reached back and pulled at the bun your hair had been tied in, your clip now in your hand as you pressed a button and the seeming dull plastic ends turned into sharp metal blades.

"You can't just leave!" Lestrade protested, you looked at Sherlock for a moment, a ghost of a smile upon your lips.

"I have too. He, nor anyone else, is safe until I take care of it."

Greg grabbed your wrist holding the blade, "You're under police watch. By law I can't let you leave." He pinned your wrist to the bed and his face soon became inches away from yours and the two of you glared at each other.

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