Uncle Mycroft

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Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

Warnings: none

"Please Mycroft?"

"I said no (your name)."

"John and Mary are going out with us! Mrs. Hudson is recovering from her surgery!"


"It'll only be for a little whil-"

"No, now I have other business to attend to." He dismissed you with a wave of his hand. You looked over at your sleeping bundle of joy curled up in one of Mycroft's fancy leather chairs. You sighed, turning towards him. "Fine. You win."  You walked towards your daughter, smiling down softly at her. "Time to wake up darling."

The little girl opened her eyes, her brown curls a mess on top of her head from her tossing and turning.

"Uncle Mycoft?" The four year old questioned.
You shook your head, "No sweetie, no uncle Mycroft."

Annabelle looked over at her uncle, before sliding off the chair and waddling over to the Holmes brother, giving him the biggest eyes she could muster. "Please?"

Mycroft stared at her for a moment before sighing, "If it's only for a short while........."

You smirked and scooped Annabelle up into your arms, "That's my girl." You said softly into the little girl's ear. "See you tonight Uncle Mycoft." You smirked and walked out the door.

You scrambled around 221b, making sure everything was in order. You placed dinner on the table as you went over your mental check list. You'd laid out Annabelle's pajamas, made dinner, left various numbers on the fridge in event of an emergency...

"(your name), it's just Mycroft,the man rules the country, I'm sure he can handle a small child." Sherlock remarked as he adjusted his suit jacket in the mirror. You bit your lip nervously, walking over to your husband and fixing his bow tie. "I know I know." You sighed. Sherlock took your hands in his larger ones, looking you in the eye. "It will be ok." You felt a small bit of comfort poke through at his touch, but a knocking at the door immediately caused him to drop your hands and move away from you. You rolled your eyes before opening the door, revealing the older Holmes brother.

"Mycroft." You nodded, smiling.

"Mrs. Holmes." Mycroft nodded, "it's (your name.)" you turned, "Annabelle!" You called, the small four year old piped up from the couch, "yes?"

"Mycroft's here." You faced the two boys again, only to find them staring daggers at each other. You rolled your eyes, "alright kids, mamas leaving." You placed a kiss on Annabelle's forehead and hugged her tightly, Sherlock patted her head, watching Mycroft the entire time. "C'mon." You grabbed Sherlock's hand and the two of you ventured into the cold night.


"No Sherlock."


"I said no."

"But it's a dead body!"

"It's a squirrel."

"But how was it killed?"

"Most likely by a car."

"That's what they WANT you to think!"

You rolled your eyes, pulling a very tipsy Sherlock from the cab. You intertwined your fingers, pulling your husband towards your flat. "I hope they're alright." You fretted as you unlocked the door, Sherlock fumbled forward and pushed the knocker into the other direction. You pushed the door open, leading Sherlock up the stairs. "Mycroft's the king of England! He can handle a little girl!" Sherlock slurred. "We don't have a king." You rolled your eyes and opened the door quietly, shushing Sherlock by placing a finger on his lips. You tiptoed inside, smiling at the sight in front of you. Mulan was playing on the TV, Annabelle was fast asleep, snuggled into Mycroft, his arm draped around her. The sound of a camera clicking broke the silence, revealing Sherlock and his phone. Mycroft practically flew off the couch, standing and buttoning his suit jacket. "As I see you two are back, I'll be on my way."

Annabelle's sleepy eyes opened, "thanks Mycroft." You smiled softly at your brother in law, Annabelle pushed herself off the couch and tiredly fumbled over. "Annabelle can you say bye to uncle Mycroft?"

She nodded and hugged his leg, "I love you uncle Mycoft."

Mycroft's eyes widened slightly, Sherlock giggled and your smile grew.

Mycroft gave a small smile before nodding, "goodbye."

You'd never seen him hurry out of 221b so quickly.

You turned back to Sherlock and Anna, "alright kids time for bed."

"I'm not tired." Annabelle whined.

"Yeah ten more minutes?" Sherlock whined along with her.

"No." You picked up Annabelle and headed towards her room, Sherlock following behind. You tucked the young girl in, for she was already fast asleep. "Good night." You smiled softly and placed a kiss on her forehead. Sherlock was leaning against the doorframe.

"Do I get a good night kiss?" He slurred, smirking.

"You gotta catch me first." And with that, you took off your heels and sprinted towards your bedroom.

Sherlock grinned and followed in pursuit.


Sorry it's short but I think I did ok with it.

Who doesn't love a tipsy Sherlock?

Please read
So my three part love triangle will be posted next! They'll all have different titles, I need a trilogy name, please comment good ones!

My chemical romance obsession is slowly taking off... Help.

Love y'all

Bye bye for now

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