Mario Kart

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Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Sherlock x reader

Warnings: fluffedy fluff!


You sighed, flipping through the last of the channels. There was absolutely nothing to watch, you'd read and Reread all your books and were too lazy to go buy new ones, you couldn't find a good fanfiction, you'd watched all your favorite YouTuber's videos so many times you were on the edge of growing tired of them.

You were currently laying on the couch, you rolled your form over, falling off the couch too lazy to stand up like a normal person. You let out an "oof."

You walked into the kitchen, looking around the room for something to do. Your lovely boyfriend was hunched over a severed head, you were surprisingly unfazed. You walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. "I'm bored." You sighed dramatically.

He didn't respond.

"I'm borrrrrreeed." You sung a bit louder, carrying out each syllable.

"What would you like me to do about it?" He questioned, seeming the slightest bit annoyed.

"You could play a video game with me." You offered.

"Why would I play one of those? Their proven to rot your brain cells and-"

"But that's the fun of it!"

"But-" you stood on your toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssseeeeeeee?"


"I'm going to bug you."


He looked back down at his experiment. You unwrapped your arms and poked him.







He whirled around, "if I do will you leave me alone?"


He massaged his temples with his fingertips and sighed, looking up at you. You gave the biggest puppy dog eyes you could muster.

"Fine." He grumbled, standing. You hopped and smiled. "Yay!" You grabbed his hand and pulled him into the living room, you grabbed the game and slid it into the wii. You smirked slightly and grabbed two Wii remotes, handing Sherlock one. You opened the game, revealing the one and only Mario Kart 8.

"What the hell is this?" Sherlock asked, raising an eyebrow.

You plopped down on the floor in front of the TV, legs crossed. Sherlock slowly sat down next to you. You flipped through the character menu, choosing Dry Bones.

"It's a turtle made of bones!"

"Your point?"

"It's a turtle. Made of bones." Sherlock glared you, "that's not physically possible!"

"If that's already bothering you you're going to hate this game." You remarked.

You soon picked the flower cup and watched the race begin.

*t w e n t y m I n u t e s  l a t e r*

"YOU MOTHER FLUFFING ARSEHOLE!" You shouted. "TAKE YOUR GOD DARN SHELL BACK!" You hit the button, launching a shell at Sherlock. He smirked as he, generically Mario, swerved out of the way. You were both tied for second and third.

"How did you get so good at this?!" You asked, flustered.

Sherlock just smirked.

The two of you came to the finish line, you made the drastic turn, swerving your body with it and ended up falling in Sherlock's lap as you crossed the finish line. "I WON!" You cheered, holding the remote up in the air. Sherlock pouted, crossing his arm and tossing the remote aside.  "I am the champiiiiooooooonnnnnn." You sung, grinning up at him. 

Sherlock stared ahead and pouted.

"Cmon look at me. Let me bask in victory." You placed your arms behind your head. "I beat Sherlock Holmes at something!" You cheered, he looked down at you annoyed. "Not fair." He grumbled. You sat up and placed a kiss on his lips, "better?" You smiled.



Sorry if it was too rushed or whatever but I had this idea and I'm like YESSS I MUST DO IT

happy Fourth of July y'all!

Your requests are on my todo list don't fret


love y'all

Bye bye for now

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