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Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

Warnings: none

Family didn't always mean blood.

Now the you from five years ago wouldn't of believed this, you'd thought you were alone in this world with little purpose. But now it was obvious you weren't alone.


You finished prepping the last bit of food, humming along to the tunes echoing from your speaker.

"I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you, so I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do."

You sung along, placing it on the table. Sherlock sat perched on the couch, making no movement to help. The oven began to beep and you watched him for a moment.  "No, I'll get it, thanks for the offer." You remarked dryly, opening the oven and retrieving your dish. You flipped off your music when you heard a knock at the door, you fought the urge to squeal as you placed the last plate down before hurrying towards the door. Pausing for a moment to make it seem like you hadn't been on your toes the entire time, you opened the door to reveal your three guests, all somehow managing to arrive at the same time.

"(Your Name)!" Mary smiled and pulled you into a hug, you smiled and returned it before giving your best friend  a gentle push inside. "John." You nodded, stiffening.

"(Your name)." He said coldly.

The two of you stared at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter, "go pry Sherlock off the couch." You pushed your brother inside, John chuckled "I'll try."

And last but not least, Greg entered the flat. "I smell food." He smirked, "yep, no snacking." You narrowed your eyes for a moment and he grinned. You smiled at him, closing the door.

You looked around, Mary and Greg began to chat over who knows what, and John was currently trying to coax Sherlock into letting go of his perch, and interact with other human beings.

He wasn't doing a very good job.

"Alright." You clasped your hands together, "foods ready and I have two bottles of wine that are not drinking themselves."

People began to migrate to the table, soon you were all laughing and smiling.

"So I finish with Anderson and walk on to the crime scene and find Sherlock on his hands and knees, inspecting the victim's cat's whiskers." Greg chuckled, taking a sip of his wine.

"That's how he got that nasty scratch." You smirked at Sherlock who blushed slightly, "I assure the answer was in the whiskers!" Sherlock tried to defend himself, but failed miserably.

"I'm sure it was love." Mary laughed, "I don't think I've treated battle wounds that deep. That cat really hated you." John remarked.

"I should start taking (your name.) on cases, she'll make me look tall and will understand." Sherlock retorted, stabbing at his plate with his fork.

"I wouldn't bet on it." You smirked raising your glass to your lips, only for the sound of the TARDIS to fill the room. Everyone looked around and you blushed slightly, "Sorry that's me." You looked at your phone which was ringing, suddenly the sound of another phone ringing sounded, and John looked down to find his as well. You looked at the number to find your mother's name across the screen. "I'm sorry, i need to take this."

John cleared his throat, pushing his chair back. "Me too." The others around the table gave quizzical looks, John stepped outside the flat and you followed behind him.

"Mum's calling me." You looked at him, suddenly his brown eyes flashed with worry. "Dad's calling me."

You swiped along to answer it, "hello?", you put her on speaker and John was now at full attention. "(Your name)?" You could hear your mother sniffle.

"Mum what's wrong?" You questioned, feeling concern and worry begin to grow.

"Is John there?" She questioned, her time sounded so.... Broken.

"He's here mum, what's wrong?" You looked up at John, he shrugged looking as frazzled as you.

"I-it's Harriet." Your mum managed, and it was that moment you knew.

You could tell John knew as well.

"S-She w-was drunk again, I told her not to drive home b-but she never listened." You felt your heart shatter right there and then, the world began to spin slightly. "She's gone?" You whispered hoarsely, John looked at you with wide eyes. You don't remember hanging up, nor who embraced who, but you found yourself sobbing into John's shoulder. "S-s-she was so young." You managed, you heard John's own muffled sobs.

"Hey what's taking so lon-" the door to twenty one b opened, revealing Mary. "What the hell happened?" She questioned, her eyes wide.

You both looked up at her. John released you, wiping at his eyes. "It's-" he took a moment, you could tell how pained his words were. "Harriet. She's dead." His voice cracked slightly on the last word and you bit your lip, hating seeing your brother in such a state. Mary's gaze softened sympathetically, "I'm so sorry." She took both your hands and led you both inside gently.

"Mary do we need to send a search party for you too?" Sherlock questioned as he approached the door, freezing when he saw his wife and best friend both in tears. Greg followed behind him, the two looked equally stunned, Mary wrapped her arms around John, holding him tightly. You however were left to console yourself as you wrapped your arms around yourself, you heard a brief muttering before Sherlock walked over to you. "(your name)?" He asked gently, it was rare Sherlock ever saw you cry. Maybe once in a blue moon. He cupped your face in his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "I want to help." He said softly.

"H-Harriet." You managed, "she's gone." You leaned into his touch, finding it comforting. You could see it all click in Sherlock's mind, he kind of froze, as if he seemed unsure of what to do. You gently took his arms and guided them down to your waist as you leaned in on his shoulder. He held you close, and you allowed the rest of your tears to escape. Suddenly someone was holding your hand, Mary was looking at you, still embracing John, but holding your hand in hers.

It was in that moment you realized these people weren't just friends.

They were family.


I know I'm currently in the middle of a three parter but I had this idea and I couldn't not write it and then I couldn't wait to share it With you guys so.... Yeah. Here you go! I promise I'll have part 2 up soon, it's half way done.

Love y'all so much It's 2:00am and I'm updating

Bye bye for now


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