Falling for Ya (Greaserlock)

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Type: Songfic ( falling for ya by Grace Phipps), Greaserlock

Pairing: Greg Lestrade x Reader

Warnings: you wear a frickin dress and your girly. Stop complaining about it, I'm done with people being offended because I write the reader as a girl it's the frickin time period  of the movie grease hence the title GREASErlock  so deal with it and tbh I'm not even sorry if that sounds rude but Fuck it I'm tired of being criticized

For my lovely wife drayizzle

The day started ordinary, boys walking by

You stared at the clock in the front of the room, boredom hung over everyone in the room. School would let out soon. You sighed, smoothing your white dress. A red headband held back your (hair length) locks, you looked down at your long red nails, praying for class to end sometime soon. You nibbled your ruby lip, feeling the need to cheer when the bell finally rung. You gathered up your books, hurrying towards the exit, your boyfriend was waiting. You had almost reached the door when suddenly you were against a wall, a thick cloud of cigarette smoke blown into your face. "Anderson." You coughed, looking up at him as his lips twitched up into a grin, pushing his cigarette to the corner of his lips. "Sweetheart." He grinned, his leather coated hand was propped up against the wall as he leaned in. "I have an extra ticket to the drive in tonight, you in?"

It was the same old story, too fresh or too shy

"I'm not sure Greg nor Sally would approve." You retorted, you'd forced Greg to stop smoking long ago, now he only did it for show, the smell nauseated you. "Cmon, they don't have to know what we do." He winked, you rolled your eyes, wanting nothing more then for him to release his hold.

"I suggest you let her go." A deep baritone sounded from behind him, you let out a sigh of relief at the familiar voice. Anderson rolled his eyes and turned, "and what are you gonna do about it?" He moved, revealing your tall best friend.

(You're welcome)

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(You're welcome)

"I may or may not of told Sally you were snogging Irene in the bathroom earlier." Sherlock looked down at him, crossing somewhat muscular arms. Anderson's eyes widened slightly and you fought the urge to chuckle, "this ain't over." He angrily puffed before turning away. You looked at Sherlock, standing up straight. "I owe you one."

"Eh. Cmon." Sherlock nodded towards the door and you followed, hooking arms with him. "I have to pick up John, We're seeing a movie later. You and Greg can come if you want." The two of you walked down the down the hall, "sure." You smiled. You both continued to chat, when finally you reached the algebra classroom. You waited for a moment outside, looking the mirror, reapplying your red lipstick when the door flew open and students poured out. Soon John appeared in the crowd, Sherlock met him and intertwining their fingers and having a brief exchange before Sherlock walked back over. You smiled, Sherlock was tall and covered with leather, while john was wearing his sweater watt and khakis. You were honest to goodness happy he found John, for his drug problems were getting out of control and you could pick up a slight depression. But then John came along and whisked it all away.

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