Babys and fainting

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Type: Oneshots

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

Warnings: I have no fuckin clue what happens when a woman goes into labor except for her water Breakin so if the last bit sounds off I'm sorry I'm only thirteen I only know I came from fondue and yes I'm aware labor takes time but ya know what it's a mother fuckin imagine so imagine it took a while

Requested by: @naturallyblondejace

You and Mary soon arrived in 221b, arms linked. The heavily pregnant woman breathes heavily. "Jesus that gets harder every time." You helped over to the couch, putting her feet up. "I'll get you some tea." You smiled. "I'm going to be so glad after labor." The blonde leaned against the couch, closing her eyes for a moment.

Sherlock wandered into the room, "Mary." He nodded, "Sherlock." She placed a hand on her swollen stomach, her eyes floated over the genius. "John is still out of town I see." Sherlock took a seat in the chair across from her.

"He is." She nodded.

You placed the tea cup in the blonde's hands. "Thank you love." She slowly sipped it as you sat beside her.

"So have you both decided on a name?" You asked, looking over at her.

"Sherlock is a girls name." Sherlock sipped his tea, looking off into the distance, unable to hide the smug look that crept onto his face.

You threw a pillow at your husband, looking back at Mary who shook her head smiling. "Violet Marie Watson."

"I like it." You smiled.

"John has already made the rule that Sherlock isn't allowed alone with the baby." Mary smirked and took another sip of tea.

Sherlock looked at her. "I am perfectly capable of looking after a child."

"Not without me you aren't

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"Not without me you aren't." You retorted.

"Are you both planning on having children?" Mary asked curiously, reaching forward and placing the tea on the table. The color drained from Sherlock's face, "we haven't really discussed it." You cleared your throat, you actually HAD discussed it, and you never got an answer you wanted.

"(Your name) you always talk about how you want childr-"

"More tea?" You offered, picking up her cup and walking towards the kitchen. The flat remained quiet for before a sudden, "Oh my god." Came from Mary, you turned to find her face contorted in pain.

"I think my water just broke."

Your eyes widened your tea cup hit the ground shattering, Sherlock seemed frozen. "Sherlock get off your bloody arse and get an ambulance." You snapped, rushing to Mary's side and prepared for what was to come.


John was rushing to get back, but it was beginning to become clear he wouldn't make it. You and Sherlock now found yourself in the delivery room, you held Mary's hand tightly. "John's on his way, it'll be alright." You cooed gently, Mary nodded, surprisingly calm as she leaned back against the pillows.

After a few more moments of this, by the work of God John soon rushed into the room. He gave your shoulder a quick squeeze before hurrying to Mary, you stepped back.

After what felt like ages Mary soon found herself with a small baby girl in her arms, suddenly a loud thump sounded, you all turned to find Sherlock lying unconscious on the floor. You sighed and shook your head, "don't worry, that ones mine." You kneeled down and placed your arms under Sherlock's arm pits and dragged his long form out of the delivery room.


You soon found yourself exhausted by the day, seated in a cab by a now conscious Sherlock.

"You know, for someone who can handle seeing human body parts scattered across the room, ripped out of the body, I never pictured you fainting at the sight of childbirth." You remarked, Sherlock crossed his arms.

"Luckily you won't have to witness it again." You twirled a lock of hair on your finger, a certain sadness pang at you. You'd always wanted children, but if being with Sherlock meant no children, then so be it.

The cab became uncomfortably quiet for a moment.

"Do you really want a.... Child?" The word seemed foreign coming from your husband's mouth.

"It doesn't matter." You shrugged, looking out the window.

Sherlock fell silent again, "I don't suppose one would be awful." He said as the cab began to pull up to 221b.

"Really?!" Your eyes lit up as you turned and looked at Sherlock.

The genius gave a stiff nod, you felt happiness and excitement course all throughout you. You launched yourself into his arms. Surprised, he slowly wrapped his arms around you as you hugged his torso tightly. A small smile tugging at his lips.

You both soon climbed out of the cab, hand in hand

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You both soon climbed out of the cab, hand in hand. You walked up the stairs and to the door, a smirk tugging at your lips. "You know Sherlock, having a child is a lot of work."

"Then I guess we better get started." He looked over you, his lips inches from yours. You soon closed the gap, closing the door behind you.


Ok that last bit was a little suggestive but the temptation to use that little scene was undeniable.

I'm in the car on my way home from Nashville, so that means that I'll either get a shit ton posted or become hopelessly lost on watch mojo again.

I felt the need to share that video with y'all.

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