Work it out

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Type: Oneshot.

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

Warnings: none

He told you to leave.

Being the complete and utter idiot he was, he told you  to leave.

He watched from his window bitterly as you stomped away, down the street, no doubt seeking refuge with John and Mary.

He watched from his window bitterly as you stomped away, down the street, no doubt seeking refuge with John and Mary

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He looked away, he'd forgotten your anniversary again. You'd been extremely frustrated, asking why he couldn't find a place in his mind palace for you. Little to your knowledge you were all he could think about now days, but he didn't say so. He'd just stared, you asked why he couldn't attempt to be normal, he could see the guilt that you felt as soon as the words had escaped your lips, words that you had only formed in blind rage.

He'd in turn told her to leave, to find someone who would be perfect.

He ran a hand through his hair, sitting down on the sofa. The case in front of him meaning nothing, all he could think about was you. He wished you would come back, he always thought better rattling off the information to you. It was true you didn't understand half of it, but you'd just lean against him and listen to his voice. Nodding every once in a while.

He sighed, looking at the file in front of him.

It was going to be a long night.


You bit your lip, taking a deep breath. You worked for Scottland Yard, you had to show up at the crime scene. You knew he would be there, and you couldn't shake the guilt and frustration still left within you. You sighed, stepping out of the car, looking around. He was already standing over the body. You walked over by Greg's side wordlessly.

Lestrade raised an eyebrow at you, "I wasn't sure you were coming."

"Why not?" You snapped.

Greg raised his hands slightly, "alright alright, you and Sherlock didn't come  together. "

You took a deep breath, Greg didn't do anything wrong, you were just mad at yourself.

"Having a bit of a domestic are you?" Greg smirked slightly.

/ it sounded British in my head

"Bout time, tell me have you broken it off yet?" Sally looked over at you, you looked at her wide eyed. "Of course not

"Damn." She reached into her pocket, pulling out what you recognized to be a wad of cash and handing to Anderson, who looked mighty proud of himself.

"Are you betting on my relationship?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe." Anderson smirked and walked away, an aggravated Sally in his wake.

"He's been unusually quiet, gettin a bit scary." He looked down at Sherlock, you sighed. "What'd he do this time?" Greg asked, giving you a friendly nudge as if sensing your bad mood.

You looked over at the detective.

"He forgot our anniversary." You sighed. Greg whistled, "That's never good."

"No it's not." You sighed, kicking a pebble with your foot

. "You'll work it out."

"How do you know?"

"Because you both love each other." And with that Greg walked away.

Soon the crime scene was coming to a close, you walked with Greg to a cab. He looked down at his phone, "oh you know what, you take this one."

"What, why?" You questioned, cocking your head. "Because you'll thank me later." And with that he gave you a little shove, pushing you in the car and closing the door. The cab soon took off, you looked over to find Sherlock seated on the opposite side. So engrossed in his phone he didn't notice you had entered, you cleared your throat.

He looked up and saw you, his eyes widening.

You just stared out your window.

After an awkward silence you found Sherlock scooting a bit closer.

You didn't react.

A few more moments then a bit closer, still no reaction from you.

He finally laid his head on your shoulder, you looked down at him.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly.

You sighed, unable to fight the big eyes he gave you. "It's alright." You said softly, wrapping your arm around him, burying your face in his curls as the London night to pass by in colored blurs.


Yay another update.


so I get a lot of people here on wattpad hate me, your hate doesn't really bother me because I already hate everything about myself so it doesn't matter. But you have no right to drag drayizzle into it, normally I would of been civilized and handled this through DM but it's clear you aren't stopping. I refuse to mention your user bc I will not stoop to your level, I have dignity. Drayizzle is nothing but sweet, kind, and positive while I'm over here like "sadness, depression, death." So I understand not liking me but her, seriously? If you have a problem with me or her you can suck it because I'm done dealing with your shit. You know who you are.

 You know who you are

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That's all

Love ya agents

Bye bye

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