The Wedding Bells (part 1)

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Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

Warnings: idk a lot about weddings either. I went to one when I was like three. This shows how much I know about love guys. Unless John and Mary's counts.

Fund fact: I wrote this while listening to I write sins not tragedies, Spotify has a sense of humor

You examined your dress in the mirror, smoothing your skirt. "(Your name) hold still!" Mary scolded, putting the finishing touches on your veil. "I'm sorry! I'm excited!" You felt the excitement fly all through you, today was your wedding day.

"I know love." Mary made one last adjustment before looking at you. "Done."

"I can't believe it, I'm finally getting married!" You gave a little twirl, careful not to step on your dress.

"Come on, it's almost time." Mary offered you her hand, helping you not trip on your dress being the clumsy person you were. Soon you found John, naturally the best man, who'd been waiting for you both along with your father. He smiled at you while Joun took Mary's, your head bridesmaid.

Soon you were linking arms with your father, heading down the isle. Sherlock's eyes soon fell on you, widening slightly. You nibbled your lip nervously. "I'm proud of you." Your dad whispered before releasing your arm, Sherlock offered you his hand and you took it, carefully stepping up the few stairs. You were focused on two things, Sherlock and not falling on your fe in front of all these people. You took your soon to be husband's hand in your other, looking at him. You'd never seen him look so happy before, his eyes sparkled in the lighting. The priest was speaking in the background but his words were incoherent, all you saw was Sherlock.

"Any objections?" The priest called, looking up from his book

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"Any objections?" The priest called, looking up from his book. The room remained silent. He opened his mouth to continue only to be cut off by the opening of the large doors towards the back of the church. (This location had taken a lot of convincing)

"aww Sherlock, I'm sad I didn't receive an invitation."

You felt your blood run cold at the smooth Irish accent that filled the room, you looked to find Moriarty with his hands behind his back sauntering in. You reached under your skirt and grabbed the pistol that was strapped to your leg, you looked to find Sherlock, John, Mary, and Greg all with guns drawn. "You brought a gun to our wedding?" Sherlock questioned, never taking his eyes of Moriarty.

"To be fair you did to, and someone almost died at John's wedding."

"Fair point." He nodded, you couldn't help but be amused at the fact that you'd both secretly hidden guns on your person for your wedding.

"Now there's no need for that." Jim shook his head, Sherlock's free arm slowly snaked around your waist and pulling you closer to him. All guns still trained on Jim.

"I'm disappointed I didn't receive an invitation to my foe's wedding

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"I'm disappointed I didn't receive an invitation to my foe's wedding." He pouted, insanity swirled in his dark eyes. "What do you want?" Sherlock growled, narrowing his eyes.

You heard sickening gasps fill the room, you slowly looked down to find a red dot shining on your chest. Great contrast to the pure white dress. Sherlock clicked the safety on his gun.

The room remained silent, nobody moved.

"This is my wedding gift." He smirked, "your last good day. I fully intend to make your life a living hell after today Sherlock Holmes." And with that he turned away, the large doors closing behind him. After a few moments the dot disappeared. You heard Mycroft barking orders into his cellphone, you, along with everyone else slowly lowered your guns.

An awkward silence fell over the room.

"Well, I suppose we still have vows, don't we?" You looked at the priest expectingly.

The man seemed to slowly stop trembling and nodded.

You cleared your throat, taking Sherlock's hands in yours, and soon continued the ceremony.


Sorry for the shitty ending but the next parts the after party/reception/whatever  which will be a whole lot better.

I had this idea but I kinda feel like it executed poorly. Oh well.

Love ya agents

Bye bye for now

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