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Requested by: Mrs_Margaret_America

He was motionless.

He didn't blink.

He didn't speak.

He just stared.

It wasn't the wall in front of Jim Moriarty that was interesting, but rather the thoughts that raged on in his mind.

Normally he wouldn't of been caught.

Normally he would of saved himself.

But then she came along.

She waltzed with her black leather jacket and pearly white smile. Her green eyes filled with blood lust, her heart in his hands. He only began to hear Mycroft's words, he didn't need to look to know that the Holmes brother was standing over his shoulder. "She put John Watson in intensive care. Tell me where she is."

John Watson in intensive care? That meant Sherlock was probably standing over him right now, distressed for the injuries to his mortal.

The corners of his lips pulled upward, breaking out into his maniac like grin. "If she doesn't want to be found, you won't find her."

Mycroft narrowed his eyes, stepped away from his brother's worst enemy.

Jim played the memory back in his mind. The night he was arrested, the night John Watson almost died.

Jim stood behind the glass, the sound of mechanical parts moving filled his ears as he looked around the factory, he turned and looked at the army doctor who was now awake in his chair, His wrists and ankles, you'd think he would learn to be more careful by now. Soon the doors opened, he whirled back around to find Sherlock Holmes running inside. The only thing standing between Sherlock and his doctor was the unbreakable glass used to guard the crown jewels. Jim stepped towards the wall, Sherlock on the other side desperately trying to find a way through. "I'd give you the normal lecture about what happens when you get too close, but I don't want you to miss the show." Anger burned in the detective's eyes, and Jim loved every minute of it. "Don't you dare lay a hand on him." Sherlock fumed, "Oh I won't." The criminal shook his head.

 "Oh Hoooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy." Jim sung, twirling around to where a blonde emerged from the shadows. She strutted over to Jim, he wrapped an arm around her waist and she placed a hand on his chest. "Jimmy." She smirked, her eyes falling on Sherlock. "Ah, so your the famous detective that takes up so much of my boyfriend's time. Well, I hope you don't mind I take up your boyfriend's last oh...." She flicked a knife up out of her sleeve, looking at the glimmering blade. "Twenty minutes." She smirked and turned away, walking towards John. Sherlock slammed his fist into the glass again, Jim found himself grinning at Sherlock's anger. Peggy looked at the army doctor, trailing the blade down his face, drawing blood.  

Jim just stared at Sherlock, the curly haired detective's eyes were alive with rage and helplessness as he watched his doctor be beaten mercilessly. The sound of cries of pain and bone snapping were like music to his ears. The sound of sirens wailed outside, bright police lights shined through the dirty windows. "Peggy darling, this is our cue to leave." Jim turned towards her as the police stormed through the door. Sherlock snatched a woman's wedding ring and forced someone to spit out their gum. Peggy stood over a slumped over John Watson, blood pooled on the floor around him. The sound of the glass wall behind them shattering gave him a small sense of urgency. He could hear the yelling of Greg Lestrade behind him. He looked up and smirked as red dots littered the officers chests and the sound of gunfire filled the room. Peggy intertwined her fingers with his, laying her head on his shoulder. He smirked as they walked out.

The rest was a blur.

A gun shot.

Peggy's blood spilt on the ground.

He pushed her into the exit and he was cuffed.

He had trouble pulling out details, he shrugged and began to sway slightly. Humming a tune, staring at his wall. A large BOOM rattled the building, he raised an eyebrow as he heard prisoners running free. Suddenly cries of pain, followed by three single gun shots sounded outside his door. The door soon flew open, revealing Peggy herself, her stomach wrapped and bandaged. "Ready to go love?"

Jim smirked and stood, she extended her hand and took it. With that, the two psycopaths left Mycroft's prison. It was true, she was his weakness, she was the one thing she loved, she was his world, she made him weak and defenseless at times. But you know what? He was okay with that.


Ayo guys so I wanted to ask you all a question, if I were to start a YouTube channel, would you guys watch?

Second ,, I need some fluff.

I need to read or write fluff like my mind is in a very dark place rn


so me and my friends are sitting at lunch discussing careers and my guy friend goes what about me being a dominatrix. I was like you will never be Irene Adler so he Stands up and shouts 


My teacher who apparently watches Sherlock pulled him aside and discussed what proper careers are.

That's all I got for now 

Love y'all 

Bye bye for now

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