Emotional Sociopath

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type: Oneshot, based off something I saw on Tumblr

Pairings: johnlock, adopted!reader

Warnings: none

Sherlock shoved his hands in his pockets as his trench coat blew in the wind. He stared up at the sign, adoption center. He was equally excited and terrified, in no way shape or form was he even remotely ready. John squeezed his hand, leading him inside. Sherlock bit the corner of his lip nervously, various small laughter filled the room as children raced around, playing with each other as if there was no tomorrow. "You'll be fine. You're basically a large child so it all works out." John gave a small smirk and walked up to a woman sitting at the front desk, Sherlock turned away, finding her to be a waste of time. He wandered off towards the children, they all raced around. Suddenly he caught one in the corner of his eye, a small girl sat in the corner, a book in her lap. Her (Hair color) hair was tied back in a braid, bright (Eye color) eyes flickered over the pages.

Sherlock walked towards her, stopping when a little boy tugged on his jacket. "I wouldn't go over there mister."

"Why not?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow, the child barely came up to his knee.

"She's a freak." And with that the little boy raced off, leaving a very curious Sherlock.

He dodged various children, attempting to not step on them as he made his way over. He slid down the wall beside her, peering over at the young girl's book, to his surprise, he found her reading a rather thick book on famous murders. He cleared his throat, seeming to startle her as she jumped.

"You know the murder of the boy in the box was never really solved."

"Really?" She questioned, flipping through the pages. "I find the unsolved ones much more interesting! It's like a bunch of mini challenges!" She beamed, suddenly her smile faded a bit. "I mean, uh, they're pretty cool I guess." She looked back down at her book.

"I enjoy them myself." Sherlock's gaze floated over the girl, it was quite clear she wasn't exactly proud of her interest.

"Really? You don't think it's weird?" She questioned, her eyes wide.

"Not at all." He shook his head, "People here think I'm weird and a freak because of it. But I don't care, they're just mad because I'm so much smarter than them." She shrugged.

Sherlock couldn't help the small grin that played on his lips, "What's your name?"

"Y/N L/N." She answered, closing her book. She turned to look at Sherlock and crossed her legs.

"I'm Sherlock Holmes." He extended his hand, her much smaller hand reached forward and shook it, her eyes widening. "You're Sherlock Holmes!" She almost squealed, "I know about all your cases! How did they not know that the Lady in Pink was a cab driver, it was so obvious."

"Because they're idiots." Sherlock said in a matter of fact tone, earning a giggle from the little girl.

"All the people who work here are idiots."

"I noticed." Sherlock smiled a bit, and she gave him a toothy grin. Sherlock slowly stood and her smile dropped a bit, "You're leaving?"

"Come on." He gestured to where John was talking to a group of kids.

He tapped John on the shoulder, his husband turned and looked at him. "This one."

John crouched down, placing his hands on his knees and looked at her. "What's your name sweetheart?"

Sherlock heard the other kids begin to murmur before someone laughed, causing her to duck and hide behind Sherlock's leg. One murderous glare from Sherlock shut them right up, she peeked out from behind him. "I'm (your name)."

"Well isn't that a pretty name?" John smiled and she blushed.

"Can we keep her John?"

"It's a child, not a pet Sherlock."

"Same thing."

"No, they aren't Sherlock."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." John sighed and (your name) giggled, John stood up and looked at Sherlock for a moment. "You like this one don't you?"

Sherlock nodded, "alright, I'll tell them." he turned and walked back towards the blonde in the front of the center, Sherlock followed, fighting a blush as (your name) grabbed his hand.

"We'd like to adopt (Your Name)." John leaned against the counter, the lady looked down at her. "Really?" She asked, seeming suprised.

John nodded, the lady shrugged and typed something into her computer. "She usually sends parents running for the hills, you two must be something special."

"He's Sherlock Holmes!" (your name) interjected, as if that explained everything.

The lady handed John a clipboard, "Just fill this out and you're all set." The lady looked down at her, "Congragulations."

"It's offical?" The little girl questioned, eyes wide. The lady nodded and her smile grew to the point Sherlock was afraid she would hurt herself.

Soon the paperwork was finished and (your name) had her things packed, and the Holmes family exited the center, their newest addition holding each of their hands.



I think I might make a trailer to his book but I don't know what I'd use, maybe just some funny Sherlock clips and some Taylor Swift music? i dunno, comment what y'all think. I may pr may not own every taylor swift album except for 1989......

AFTER THIS ONESHOT I WILL BE POSTING THE FINAL ONESHOT IN THIS BOOK AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. It's gonna kind of be a wrap up of this book, kind of reflecting all the oneshots and such. I hope you guys like it

love y'all

bye bye for now

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