Otterlock Strikes Again (Part 3)

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Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

Warnings: none

I couldn't leave y'all part 3 less, I'm not that evil

You narrowed your eyes, a loud hiss erupted from your throat, you hadn't seen him since before Sherlock's fall.

"I swear I'm going to shred you to pieces! It's all your fault! You're the one who took him from me You good for nothing son of a-" You were cut off by a muzzle being pulled down over your face, two strong hands picked you up. You turned and looked, Moran.

"A cat? I always thought she was more of a bitch." Jim smirked, he laid the hedgehog on the counter.

Sherlock looked up at him, a strange thing within itself, "so, I assume you intend to kill me?" he growled.

"Oh no, not you." Jim stood, holding his hands behind his back and he began to walk in a circle around Sherlock. Suddenly the fingers wrap around your neck, the grip became tight and you felt the air being cut off from your lungs. All it took was a swift snap and you would be lying dead.

Sherlock's eyes widened, in his small form he was helpless to save you. "Now, you can choose one of two things. He pulled two small vial from his pocket. "Something that will change you back, or something that will kill you, now if you don't hurry with your decision your pretty kitten ends up dead."

Sherlock bared his teeth, "Let her go."

"She was always such a bother, always getting in the way...." He walked over to you, placing a filthy finger under your chin, "tell you what, she is a pretty thing isn't she? I might keep her."

You forced the vomit back down your throat, you could see Sherlock bristle with the physical contact. The air you could inhale came in labored breaths, "Sherlock..." You rasped. "Don't do it! He'll kill you!" Your voice came muffled.

"I'll do it. Just don't hurt her." Sherlock clumsily climbed on to a stool, Jim sat with the vials in hand. "Choose one and I'll drink the other, choose carefully, your army Doctor isn't here to save you this time." You wanted to claw that smirk off his face. Wait... Claw....

Sherlock stared at him, his guarded eyes floated over each vial. He reached forward with his paw and picked one. Jim placed it in front of him, his grin never wavering. Sherlock popped the top, it was only inches from his lips when....

"JESUS CHRIST!" You and Sherlock looked down to find various quills in Jim's hand, followed by a little hedgehog hanging on by his teeth biting into Moriarty's hand. You turned and brought up your paw, slashing your claws against Sebastian's face. His grip on you released you hopped to the ground. Jim threw John across the room, you launched yourself at him, your claws slicing through his dress pants and into flesh. He kicked you aside, Sherlock ran forward and sniffed both vials, his eyes lit up as he smirked. He carefully snuck over to his station and carried a little vial of his own and swapped out the one Jim gave him, identical. Then he poured something into the vial Jim had chosen for himself. "I'm waiting." Sherlock said boredly.

Jim and Sherlock both raised the vials to their lips, Sherlock drank his, and Jim did the same. Nothing happened at first, but suddenly both began to change. You ran over and grabbed your jacket within your teeth, tossing at Sherlock for what you knew what was to come. Suddenly Sherlock was himself, his full height, human form and back to normal. Jim however seemed to disappear, you looked over at the stool to find quite the angry ferret in the seat. "It's an angry Feriarty." You smirked, leaping up onto the counter. Sherlock held your jacket around his waist, Sebastian looked slightly horrified. The ferret hopped down, letting out angry squeaks. He hopped into Sebastian's arms. "This is not over Sherlock!" Jim growled before gesturing for Sebastian to take him away.

The two left, Sherlock looked down at you. You smiled at him, "You did it." Suddenly a brief groan sounded and you turned to find a normal sized John laying against the wall, both of the men were completely naked. You leaned down and covered your eyes with your paws. "Why am I still a cat?!"

"John's system must of adjusted to ridding himself of the toxin." Sherlock remarked.

"What about me?" You questioned, still keeping your eyes closed and covered. "Well, I suppose you'll turn back eventually. Give it a day, I'm not entirely sure what's all in that vial......"

"Sherlock!" You hissed out of annoyance. "You'll change back eventually, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you." He reached out and scratched between your ears and you couldn't help but purr.


Now you currently were curled up in Sherlock's lap, sitting on the couch in 221b. He was petting you as he yelled at another stupid TV show.

"She's clearly an inhuman! Look at her bloody jacket!"

You chuckled slightly, it'd been two days and you still hadn't changed back. Apparently you'd inhaled more then both the boys. Sherlock had been the sweetest boyfriend in the world to you, he didn't treat you like animal (even though you were one) he always made sure you were comfortable, he was the best. You curled up, "Sherlock we know she's an inhuman but she's trying to hide it." You watched the TV, before laying your head down in your paws, allowing sleep to overcome you.

You awoke feeling slightly bare, something warm covered you. You opened groggy eyes to find a blanket pulled over you, you looked down and saw you were fully clothed.


You were clothed. You were back! You had hands and feet and hair and boobs and you were extremely happy. You noticed how you were laying on the couch, a cup of tea sat infront of you, accompanied by your favorite book. You looked down and found Sherlock curled up on the floor infront of the couch, he look so peaceful. You gently pulled the blanket back and stood, careful not to step on him. You laid down beside him, curling into him and pulling the blanket over the both of you. Sherlock's eyes slowly blinked open and met yours, a tired smile pulled at his lips. "You're back."

"I'm back." You smiled, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, you allowed yourself to fall asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

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