How He Met Your Mother

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Inspiration: My mother which I am very pissed at right now, I hope none of your mothers are like this

Warnings: your insulted... . Alot

You rushed around 221b, everything had to be perfect for the evening ahead. She would be arriving soon, too soon.

Sherlock sat with his legs crossed as he watched you hussle, "Y/N I don't understand why your making such a fuss, it's only your mother."

"ONLY MY MOTHER? Sherlock she thinks your a fraud! she'll forbid you from ever seeing me again!" You fiddled with the table cloth, making sure it was absolutely straight. "She doesn't believe anything about you is true! Let alone does she approve of me not being a lawyer and running around with you and Scottland Yard!" You exclaimed, worry coursing all throughout you. Sherlock rolled his eyes, standing. "I'm sure your over reacting." You opened your mouth to respond but were interrupted by a knock at the door. "She's here!" You practically jumped out of your high heels. You smoothed your (favorite color) dress before walking over to the door. You took a deep breath, it was all going to work out.


The table was set perfectly, you'd been scrubbing for the past week. You ridded the house of human body parts much to Sherlock's protests.



Another knock at the door tore you from your thoughts, you turned towards Sherlock. "Please try to make a good impression." 

He looked at you for a moment. "Is it that important?" You nodded and he gave a dramatic sigh, "I make no promises." 

  You bit your lip before opening the door, revealing your own and only mother. "Mom." You faked an extra large smile, "Took you long enough to open the door." She commented, moving past you. "I see you still don't know anything about interior design." You fought the urge to roll your eyes, "This must be your.... fiancé?" She questioned, eyeing Sherlock. You could practically the venom dripping from her voice, she made her way over to the detective. Sherlock flashed his charming smile. "Sherlock Holmes, the world's first and only consulting detective."

"(Your Name) told me all about your little adventures. No one can be that clever." She rolled her eyes.

"I can assure you Mrs. (Last Name), I am." Sherlock looked down at her, for she only came up to the lower part of his chest.

"Dinner?" You offered as the oven beeped. Your mother turned and walked towards you, followed by Sherlock. "I hope this isn't like that Christmas dinner you tried to cook." She looked over at Sherlock, "She almost gave the family food poisoning."

"Well, I guess you could say I've learned.' You fought to keep the smile plastered upon your face. 'Just breathe' you thought silently, pulling the food out of the oven and placing it on the table. "Where were you last Christmas? The Carlsons brought their son, he's a doctor." Your mother winked and your eyes widened. "Mother your sitting at a table with my fiancé. I was with him and some friends." Sherlock raised an eyebrow at the mention of the doctor (hehe the doctor), he looked over at you. "I wouldn't call a 'consulting detective' a stable career. Then again you never had good judgement when it came to men." Your eyes widened slightly, "I think I made the right choice this time." It took everything you had to stay calm. You took a seat next to Sherlock, who was watching your mother with great interest. He remained silent. "(Your Name), you could use a doctor as a husband as it seems, you were a lot smaller in the waist the last time I saw you." She remarked, putting some food on her plate. You gripped your fork tighter, you could feel Sherlock's gaze burning into you. You took a deep breathe, you were going to stay calm.

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