Like Her

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Type: Oneshot, based on something I saw on tumblr

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

Warnings: none

The soft cries echoed throughout the small flat, the crib located in front of their bed. Their small newborn wailing it's poor little heart out. Sherlock slowly sat up, looking over at you fast asleep next to him. The first goodnight sleep you'd gotten since they'd brought Annabelle home. He swung his long legs over the side, careful to not to alert you. He walked over the crib, gently scooping her small form up into his arms. She was so fragile, so tiny. She continued to cry and he gently rocked her in ways he'd often seen you do. "shhh." He said gently. "You see her?" He gestured loosely in your direction with his head. "Did you know She's superwoman? Whenever you cry she's almost always there, no matter how tired she is." He continued rocking and the crying became lowered to a small whimper. "I'm really glad you have her. I'm pretty much useless. I hope you turn out more like her then me." He said softly. Annabelle looked up at him with her blue eyes, little bits of green flecks within them.

Suddenly two gentle arms were wrapped around his waist, he looked back to find you standing there. Your head leaning against his shoulderblades. "You aren't completely useless, you make pretty good tea." You murmured sleepily.

"Did I wake you?" He asked softly.

"No." You shook your head and Annabelle had soon stopped crying, falling back asleep in his arms. He gently placed her back down in her crib. You took his hand and pulled him back towards the bed, sort of collapsing on the bed. You laid next to him, head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around you. "I have a feeling she's going to be a whole lot like you."

"God help the poor child." Sherlock remarked as you pulled the covers over the two of you. "That means she's going to be smart, tall, good looking... She's got your eyes. I have a feeling she's gonna be just like her daddy, and I couldn't ask for anything better." You smiled, slowly dozing off, leaving the detective to sink into sleep, a small smile playing on his lips.


I was peeking at my drafts and was like omg this ones done.

My last chapter was not a call for attention, I don't want anyone thinking that.

I'm off to freshman orientation and I'm nervous af.

Love ya agents

Bye bye for now

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