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Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Mary x John , Moriarty x Reader


Requested by: LiekeFranken

You extended your legs under the warm sun, pulling your baseball cap down a bit, shielding your face from wandering eyes and the sun. Leaning against Jim, you both were sharing a pair of earbuds, you'd coaxed him and he now was also in love with Pan!c at the Disco. "It's nine in the after noon and your eyes are the size of the moon..." He sung softly his voice making you sleepy, his arm around you. It seemed perfect, the warm sun sending you into a daze like state. Your husband leaned his head against yours. Sunglasses covering his dark eyes.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Your little five year old came running up to you from the playground to your and Jim's bench, her dark brown, almost black (hair type, curly straight etrc.) locks bounced as she rain towards you, her (eye color) eyes sparkling. "Yes Emily?" You looked down at her, running a hand through her hair.
"I made a friend! Wanna meet her?" You sat up slowly, she'd inherited your social skills, so making friends wasn't exactly an easy task. "Of course I wanna meet her." You smiled with enthusiasm. Jim chuckled slightly, continuing to hum. Emily smiled excitedly and turned away, returning a few moments later with a small blonde.

"Mommy this is violet." She smiled, gesturing to the slightly shorter blonde next to her. The little girl looked up with blue, grey, brown flecked eyes that looked oh so familiar. "Hi Violet." You smiled, extending your hand, the little girl shook it, her's much smaller and lacking long fake black and red nails. Jim popped a gum bubble, giving a brief nod to acknowledge the little girl existed. You knew those eyes from somewhere, but you weren't sure. You shrugged, "hey Violet where are your parents?"

"Over here, wanna meet them?" She smiled and you nodded. "We sure do! Don't we Jim?" You looked over at your husband who just looked at you. "We do?"

"We do." You took his hand and pulled him up. "Lead the way."

The little girl skipped off, holding hands with Emily making you smile. You walked up to the couple she led you to seated on a park bench not far from yours, you arrived behind them and began to walk around. "Hi I'm (your name) Emily's mothe-" you froze.

You found yourself staring at Mary and John Watson.

"Mommy these are Emily's parents!" Violet smiled and Mary instinctively reached forward and wrapped her arms around her child and pulled her towards her. John's eyes narrowed.

"Well isn't this a quawinkiedink." Jim sung, smirking as he slipped an arm around your waist.

"Do you know them mommy?" Emily asked, looking up at you. "We've seen each other around." You said carefully.

Emily stepped forward and peered at John who cringed slightly, as if he expected her to explode or something. "You look familiar. Daddy's talked about you I think." John slowly stood, putting an arm around Mary. "Violet darling we're leaving."

"What about Emily?" She whined.

"Maybe another time." Mary said shortly, glaring daggers at you both. John hadn't seen you since you put him in the emergency room.

"I have a feeling we'll be seeing you again soon Violet." Jim said with a twisted grin, John just pushed Mary ahead. He turned back and look at you both, "don't you dare touch her." He growled.

"Mmm, I'm so scared." You stepped forward, looking down at the army Doctor. "Remember the last time you threatened me." Your fingers did a walking like action up each rib bone. "This was broken, so was this." You placed one on his shoulder,  "this was dislocated."

John narrowed his eyes and batted your hand away, "and this time there would be Sherlock to save you, would there? He's on a plane of some kind isn't he?"

"Shut up." John growled.

"Goodbye Mr. Watson, it was nice meeting your lovely daughter. I wonder if she looks good in red." With that you turned back towards Jim and Emily, Jim was holding Emily's hand. He looked at you and pulled you into a kiss.

"You're sexy when you're bad

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"You're sexy when you're bad." He smirked, you bit your lip flirtatiously and kissed him again.

"PDA!" Emily covered eyes and stuck out her tongue, you smirked. Jim looked down at her, "let's head home." He squatted down, little Emily hopped up, wrapping her legs around Jim's back and arms around his neck.

"Giddy up!" She squealed and Jim ran off.

"Don't make me run." You whined, smiling as you watched your two most precious people in the world hurry off into the sunset, nothing but smiles on their faces.


So most of you probably know right now to lighten this book I'm taking all the fluff requests impossible can.

GUYS IN 28 ONESHOTS I'LL HAVE REACHED 100 ONESHOTS! SQUEAL! Should I be like drayizzle and start another book? Comment!

So idk if you care but to help me keep track and have a sense of pride I put how many days clean of cutting I am in my bio. I guess so I int have to tell you I'm not fine idk


That's all for now


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