Jealously (Part 2)

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Jealously was not in Irene Adler's vocabulary. To be honest, she was having fun toying with Sherlock's little (Hair color) haired fiancé.

Irene walked into the living room, Sherlock was already awake, a newspaper in his hands. (Your Name) had her head in his lap, sound asleep. "I heard your little conversation last night." She stepped towards the detective, her voice had it's usual confidence, yet was soft enough not to wake Sherlock's sleeping beauty. She had to admit, even fast asleep her (hair color) locks fell just the right way, her facial features were sculpted perfectly. Sherlock didn't even bother to look up from his paper. "and?"

"You really care about this one, don't you?" She kept her tone even and steady, if even the slightest hint of what she was feeling crept into her voice, Sherlock would deduce it out of her.

"I do." He folded his paper, sitting it on the table beside him.

"I thought you were a sociopath?" She sat on the arm of John's chair, crossing her long legs. "I thought that all this caring and sentiment was a chemical defect?" She met Sherlock's gaze.

"Well I guess you could say that she's my chemical defect." He shrugged, carefully holding her head in his hands as he stood, laying her back onto the couch. She only stirred slightly.  

"So she is."


The warm sunlight burned through your eyelids as you sat up, stretching out tired muscles. You found Sherlock's seat empty, you swung your legs over the couch, pushing yourself to your feet. You rubbed your eyes and walked towards the kitchen. Irene and Sherlock were already seated at the table. "Breakfast Miss Adler?" You couldn't help but smirk when you turned away from the pair and towards the cabinet as your conversation from the night before echoed in your mind. You could of sworn you saw a slight grin on Sherlock's face as he read his book. "I've already eaten. Do call me Irene darling." She raised a cup of tea to her ruby lips. You closed the cabinet, pouring yourself a cup of tea before seating yourself on Sherlock's lap, "whatcha reading?" He changed his postion to one where you weren't falling off. You could feel Irene's eyes boaring into you and you fought the urge to smirk. Soon Sherlock's phone buzzed, he ignored it. You picked it up, looking  at the screen. "Sherlock darling, Lestrade needs you." You put his phone down and stood, allowing him to get up. You watched him throw his coat on with excitement, only a murder made his eyes light up like that. You chuckled slightly, "Later Loser." You joked as he hurried out the door.

You took his seat and sipped your tea, pulling out your own phone. "Isn't he just handsome." Irene's voice tore you from your angry birds session. You couldn't explain what made what came next happen, but it happened.

You slowly lowered your phone, placing it flat on the table. "Let me tell you something, Irene." You looked the woman straight in the eyes. "Sherlock Holmes is my fiancé. That means he's no longer avaible. I'd really appreciate you keeping your ruby claws off of him."

Irene looked taken aback for a moment.  "If you find yourself uncapable of doing so, get out of my flat." You narrowed your eyes.

"Sherlock Holmes, does not love anyone." Irene's gaze hardened, for you both knew her statement wasn't true. You stood, "Well, looks like I'm the one who changed that. You want what we have Miss Adler, you know you do and I know you do. Sherlock Holmes didn't fall in love with me because of my bra size, but because of the person under all the makeup." and with that, you flipped your hair over your shoulder before walking out of the kitchen and towards your bedroom to get ready for work.

Little did you know Sherlock Holmes had walked in the front door to retrieve his much needed trench coat.


That evening you lounged on your couch, flipping through Netflix when Sherlock walked in the front door.

He tiredly collapsed on the couch next to you, laying his head in your lap. "Exhausted?" You smirked as you watched John trudge in after him. The doctor looked ready to collapse right then and "We just chased two murders from Scottland Yard to here."

"I thought a soldier would be in better shape John." You smirked, poking fun. "I was a doctor." He crashed into his chair. "Your more then welcome to crash here tonight John." You ran a hand through Sherlock's curls. Just then Irene came out with a bag in hand, raising an eyebrow when she saw John. John looked over at her surprised. "John." she nodded, "Sherlock. Y/N." You almost sniggered at the slight disgust she used when speaking your name. She soon walked out of the flat. "I think your room just opened up John." You grinned slightly.

"Do I want to know what that was about?" John looked over at you and you saw Sherlock smirk slightly. "Probably not." You shook your head and John shook his head and stood. "I swear the two of you are the strangest couple I've ever seen."

"Thank you." You answered as John walked towards his room. You looked down at Sherlock. "What do you look so smug about?"

"nothing." He answered.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes." You took a sip of your water on the side table.

He narrowed his eyes at you for a moment before answering . "I do indeed love you for more than your bra size." You choked on your drink, spitting some of it back in the cup. "You heard that?!" Sherlock looked at you, looking very proud of himself. You smirked "You eavesdropping bastard." Sherlock sat up. "I love you?" He tried, seeming like he was worried you were actually mad. "I love you too Bastard." You smirked and grabbed him by his collar and pulling him in for a kiss. He wrapped both his arms around you and returned the kiss. Soon pulling apart, Sherlock curled up into a ball into your side, which you were surprised that he could do with such long legs.


"Yes Sherlock?"

"What is your bra size?"


Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to all you guys who responded to my last authors note. I love you guys soooooooooooooooooooooooo much! You guys mean a lot to me. I have several chapters written and I'm debating whether I should post them all now or keep you guys on your toes XD

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