Young Love

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*Thirty Years Ago (Rough estimate cause I have no sense of time and it says Rupert is 52 therefore that would make him 22 if I can do math. Oh and we're gonna pretend he never got divorced *winkie emoji*)*

You pushed the man threw the doors of Scottland Yard, his wrists cuffed tightly behind him. He let out a variety of curse words, mainly directed at you. "Yeah, Yeah I hear you. Too bad I can't also arrest you for profanity." He grumbled as the other officers took him away, leaving you with a fresh stack of paper work on your desk. You sighed and decided to tackle the task tomorrow when a familiar voice met your ears.

"I see you caught another one."

You turned to find the one and only Greg Lestrade, a sly grin on his lips.

"Catching up to you, Gregory. " You smirked, sticking your thumbs in your two back jean pockets. You'd caught the creep on your day off, you stood out in the room fully of nicely dressed Scottland yard. "I don't know Y/N, I'm pretty far ahead." He smirked as he stepped towards you, his brown eyes fired up fireflies in your stomach. "Someday you'll be detective inspector." You smirked, slinging an arm around his shoulders, him an arm around your waist. "Now that I don't have to pick you up, we can grab something to eat before the movie, you tell me all about catching ugly over there."

"So you can tell me everything I did wrong?" You smirked looking over as you both exited the office. He shrugged, "think of it as constructive criticism."

"Keep constructing and I will be better than you." You retorted. As the two of you walked to his car, (you'd hitched a ride with the officers that had arrived at the scene)

*** mini time skip within the flashback***

You placed your hand over your mouth, trying to contain your laughter. Greg smirked,  looking proud of himself for making you laugh  as he walked out of the theater, he had managed to trip, knock a woman's popcorn out of her hand, spill a soda, and push a door that said pull. You smiled and intertwined your fingers with his as he walked up next to you. "I had fun." You smiled. The soft moonlight shined down on the two of you as you walked towards his car. He opened the door for you, always the gentleman, and you smirked. You stood on your toes slightly and inched in for a kiss, your face only inches apart when the sound of an alarm tore through the cool night air. You jumped wide eyed, turning towards a store across the street. Two men dressed in dark clothing ran towards the exit, you instantly tore away from Greg and ran after them, your boyfriend hot on your tail. "Damn I don't have my gun!" You called out.

"I have mine." Greg answered as he ran with you.

"You brought a gun on a date?"

"You didn't?" He smirked and you ran faster, ramming into of the men, pushing him to the ground, landing on top. You grabbed both of his wrists, pinning him down when you heard Greg's voice behind you. "Y/N look out!"

That's when you heard the gunshot.

***current time***

Greg tiredly made his way towards the flat, rubbing the back of his neck tiredly as he opened the door. Assuming she was asleep, he was careful to be quiet. He shrugged off his suit jacket, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair. A soft light glowed throughout the dark flat, he turned towards it, finding her seated at the kitchen table. A soft smile tugged at his lips as he saw her rather aggressively typing, no doubt finishing up work. "Hey." He smiled, her head suit up instantly. Her frown soon turned upward as he walked towards her, placing a kiss on her head. "I'm tired." He looked down at her, she blew a h/c lock out of her face, e/c orbs gazed up at him. "Well then sleep."

"It's time for you to get some rest."

"I'm busy." She looked back down at her computer, he rolled his eyes and walked behind her and pulled the handles of her wheelchair out. "Greg!" She squealed, throwing a crumpled up ball of paper at him. He pushed her towards their room, she let out a variety of curses. "You kiss your mother with that mouth?" He smirked as he pushed her into the room. She rolled her eyes and rolled towards the bathroom, now nailing her evening routine. He smiled at her annoyance and sat on the bed, staring at the gold ring on his finger. Finding himself happier then he'd ever been.



Hey guys, I'm gonna try to update as much as possible in the next few days cause I have a feeling I'm about to be grounded. I just finished a grading period and got my first C in my entire life. My Dad isn't happy and once my mom finds out she's gonna be pissed and world war 3 is gonna happen. Nice knowin you guys.
Sorry if these next few suck, my heart isn't into it when I'm with my dad calling me a disappointment and talking about how the High school that accepted me will probably kick me out before the year even starts.

Holy fuck my Dad is telling my mom right now help help help help help help help help

Important announcement

Guess what?! Remember the whole Queen of Crime book? Well me and drayizzle have come together and created firstnameisdrayizzle !!!

The release date for the Queen of Crime hasn't been decided yet, but it's coming soon.

I'm probably making way too big of a deal out of this but I'm excited!!

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