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"SHERLOCK!" You screeched, storming out into the living room. The detective practacially fell out of his seat jumping to his feet. He raced over, placing both hands on your arm. "What's wrong?" He asked, immediately searching you for any injuries. "My deluxe edition House of Hades copies is MISSING!" You threw your arms in the air. "I was organizing my book shelf and it's not in it's place!" You fumed.

"So your not hurt?" Sherlock pulled away, "I thought something was seriously wrong." He crossed his arms, looking down at you.

"Something IS seriously wrong! Did you not hear me?! My BOOK is missing!"

"Don't you own three?"

"No. I own a deluxe House of Hades, Comic book House of Hades, then a regular copy." You put your hands on your hips, eyes narrowing.

"Like I said, three copies." He shrugged, not seeming to understand. you let out a very loud UGH before turning towards your bookshelf. Sherlock had one, with various science textbooks and classics while you on the other hand, had three. Piles of books were stacked around you, all waiting to be placed on your beloved bookshelves. Each pile was carefully alphabetized and then sorted by author.

"It's just a bunch of books Y/N." Sherlock raised an eyebrow, you placed a hand over your chest. He DID NOT just call your babies a bunch of 'Books.'

"They aren't just BOOKS Sherlock, they're my life." You picked up your autographed copy of Catching Fire and held it to your chest.

"I thought I was." He pouted slightly and you shrugged and put your book back in it's proper place. "You're a close second." You smirked and dusted your spotless book with your hand. Sherlock slid in front of the book stack, arms crossed as he pouted at you. "I'm kidding." You stood on your toes and placed a kiss on his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck. He kissed you back before pulling away, a small smile forming. You pushed him towards the books, "Now get your detective butt over there and find my book!" You smirked before going back to sorting. Sherlock, rather annoyed, turned and started searching the piles of books. A certain one caught his eye with it's bright blue cover, he picked it up curiously and reading the back. "Sherlock did you find it?" You turned towards him, he cleared his throat. "No." He hid the book behind his back slightly. "Oh." You didn't bother to look in his direction and went back to organizing. 


You walked into the kitchen, your organizing finally completed. Sherlock was curled up in a ball on the couch, you rolled your eyes before opening the cabinet. Rummaging for some kind of food, suddenly you heard the sound of sniffling. "Sherlock?" You raised an eyebrow, receiving no response except for a whimper. You walked over, tapping Sherlock on the side. Sherlock remained in his curled up position, you sat next to him on the couch. You felt a certain fear begin to nag at you, Sherlock never got upset. "Sherlock baby, what's wrong?" You asked softly. He sat up, only to lay back down, burying his face in your lap. You stroked his long curls, becoming more and more concerned. You noticed something poking out from under him. Raising an eyebrow, you gently pulled it out. You couldn't help but laugh. Sherlock poked his head up slightly, "What's so funny?"

"You like the book?" You looked down in your hands, your signed copy of Fault in Our Stars sitting there.

"That was awful!" He whined. "How could someone be so cruel to write that?"

"Welcome to the world of John Green." You chuckled. You continued to play with his hair. "I'll tell you what, I'll get some icecream and then we can watch the movie." You smirked and he sat up, allowing you to stand up. You walked over to the freezer, carefully moving around the human head to retrieve your icecream. You scooped out (favorite icecream) into bowls and carrying them back towards the living room. You placed them on the coffee table, queuing up the movie. Sherlock continued to pout, you picked up your bowl, Sherlock snuggled under you arm and into your side. You shook your head and smiled, taking a bite of ice-cream.

*Time Skip cause I haven't ever seen the movie plus POV switch to Sherly*

The movie soon came to an end and she had fallen fast asleep. I carefully took her empty bowl and sat it on the table before untangling myself from her arms, instantly missing the warmth that lingered. Not wanting to wake her, I carefully picked up her. She stirred slightly, I carried her to the bedroom and laid her down. I pulled the covers over her, careful to make sure she was sound asleep before I sat down next to her. I reached into my side table drawer and pulled out a new book from her shelf, 'An Abundance of Katherines '


hEyo , so it's me.

I don know what to say for this note except I'm sorry if Sherlock was ooc, I kinda sorta wasn't sure how he would react to John Green.

Is it bad I didn't cry at the end of the fault in our stars?

Anywho can you all do me a favor and check out  FandomGirl_704 's Sherlock Imagines? Thanks, Love y'all

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