Otterlock Strikes Again (Part 1)

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Type: Oneshot

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

Warnings: I am severely pissed off because I wrote this entire thing and it didn't save

So close.

You rushed forward, begging your legs to carry you farther. The murderer was just a few feet away, "Come on slow pokes! We're gonna lose him!" You looked back at Sherlock and John who weren't far behind you, the man you were pursing swerved into a nearby warehouse that was a few feet away from the road. You turned into the building, drawing your gun. Sherlock and John slid in soon after, "Scottland Yard. Luke Danes you're under arrest."

You loved saying that, it made you feel so official.

Sherlock's eyes floated over the room, you slowly stepped forward, John by your side with his own gun. The room remained silent except for your own heavy breathing.

Suddenly the large metal doors behind you shut, and a small metal click filled the room. Sherlock's eyes widened, "cover your face and mouth, now!" He instructed and you and John did just that, you pulled your flannel over your mouth. Sherlock's arm shot out and pulled you into him, using his trenchcoat to cover you both, the move seemed instinctive. A heavy green color clouded the room as  gas pooled in the center of the room. Suddenly your knees began to tremble and the world began to spin. You slowly collapsed into Sherlock's arms as the world spun into darkness.


Your eyes slowly opened, the world was hazy. A groan escaped your lips as a slow throbbing pain your head slowly declined to a tolerable tiny poke. Your gun laid in front of you, you reached out to grab it, only for your eyes to decieve you. Instead of hand you had a..... paw?! You tried to jump up to your feet but failed for something dreadfully heavy was slung over your back, you turned your head to find a long otter lying on your back. "No not me too!" You growled, planting your paws forward and pulled your body forward, slipping out from under the unconscious otter. You looked into the shiny metal of your gun, finding (eye color) eyes staring back at you, (natural hair color) covered your body. You fought back the urge to scream, you heard a wheezing like sound and turned to find a small fluffy hedgehog coming to his senses. You went to stand on two legs, force of habit you might say, and ended up falling on your butt. You sighed and tried again, standing on all fours and raced to his side. You used your nose to poke the hedge hog. "John." You poked him again, the hedgehog's eyes blinked open and a small yawn escaped his lips and you fought the urge to let out an awwww. He looked down at his paws, "No! Not again!" He cried, scrambling to his paws. He raced over to the lump of an otter,  "Sherlock!" He squealed, hopping onto the Otter's chest. "Sherlock it's happened again!" He hopped up and down until the otter slowly came too. He looked at his paws. "Damn it!' In his frustration he batted the hedgehog across the room. Poor little John was sent rolling helplessly.

"Sherlock!" You scolded and raced after the ball- I mean John. You gently helped him back to his feet again while Sherlock pushed himself up to a sitting position.

"We have to fix this." John looked at Sherlock, shaking out his fur.

"One problem. Last time we had (your name)." Sherlock looked at you. You cocked your head for a moment, "we could try Mrs Hudson?" You offered.

"We'd probably send the lady into shock." Sherlock pawed at his whiskers, seeming irritated with them.


"I am not asking George for assistance."

"Molly?" You asked, fighting the urge to lick your chest fur smooth.

Sherlock seemed to actually consider this one, "possibly."

"Sherlock your list of friends doesn't exactly extend forever." You remarked coldly.

"How about Mycroft? I'm sure he's got some scientist that can figure out what the bloody hell keeps happening." John offered and Sherlock looked at him as if he just shot Sherlock's dog. ( ;) ) "I am most certainly NOT asking my brother." The otter snapped. "We do this ourselves!"

"Sherlock we can't handle this ourselves." You said calmly, looking at your boyfriend.

Sherlock crossed his arms... Legs? Whatever the hell they were. "Fine." He sighed. "We'll talk to Molly." He looked defeated, "we need to get to St. Barts."

You shivered slightly, you hadn't quite been able to look at that building the same. "Alright." You and Sherlock sprint out under a crack in the door, you only got across a foot of pavement before a small squeal stopped you.

"Wait!" Little John was struggling to keep up with his tiny legs, he barely made it out of the warehouse. "Alright new plan." You ran over and picked him up by the scruff of his neck with your mouth, tossing him on your back. You ran back over to Sherlock, "ready?"

He just stared at you for a moment, a smirk
Pulling at his lips. "You both look stupid."

"Shut up!" John snapped, sounding embarrassed and flustered. You rolled your eyes and the two of you rushed off towards St. Bart's.


It was an exhausting trip.

With John on your back and having to step on Sherlock's tail every five minutes to keep him from running into traffic, you finally managed to arrive at the hospital. You stared at the front door of the building, your legs shook slightly as you all carefully avoided a certain spot on the ground. The door opened and a man walked out, his coat slung over his arm. You soon realized night had fallen and how much time you must of been knocked out for. You looked at Sherlock, "Ready?"

He nodded and you both slipped in before the door came to a close, you both ran up and around, up stairs and across halls until you reached Molly's lab. "Imma die." Your breaths soon became labored as you collapsed outside the door. John went tumbling, "sorry!" You looked at him wide eyed. The little hedge hog muttered something very colorful under his breath as he shook out his fur before standing. Sherlock poked your shoulder with your nose. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." You slowly stood, your legs aching. You licked your chest fur flat, earning weird looks from the boys. You looked at the large lab in front of you, it was much, MUCH bigger than usual. "Ok, here goes nothing." You remarked and together, you all entered the lab.


Hey guys! I'm not dead, I came back from my roadtrip and I have a ton of oneshots written!

Except part 2....


well almost, I'm still working on the heights part bc they terrify me, but I got on one of those indoor coasters thinking it was something else and boy was it GREAT.


I don't know if they take Oneshots, but drayizzle has inspired me to enter this book into the Wattys, you guys think I have a chance?

What you can expect soon:

Part 2 ( duh )

Two separate Greaserlock oneshots

a teenlock amusement park oneshot inspired by this experience

and much, much more

love yall

bye bye for now

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