The Holmes Games (part 1)

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Type: Oneshot, genius!reader

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader X Mycroft

Warnings: none

You'd known the Holmes brother's as long as you could possibly remember. Your families had been close, often at each others houses doing various activities. But after going to college in America you hadn't been back in at least five years, and now you were home. You sighed happily as you stepped out of the airport. Your bags in hand, you were finally moving back home. You looked around the airport, smiling when you laid eyes on a sleek black car. A certain politician stood beside it, twirling an umbrella. "Mycroft." You smiled warmly, stepping forward. He waved his hand and a man came and gathered your bags, "(your name)." He said simply, the small hint of a smile appeared on his lips. You rolled your eyes and gave him a small hug, it seemed to surprise him.

You pulled away, "your mum seemed to get you on that diet eh?" You smirked and he rolled his eyes, you stuck your tongue out at him as you ducked down into the car. "You're such a child." He remarked as he slid in next to you. "You know you love me." You retorted, looking out the window and watching London pass by in a blur of colors.

"You have no idea." He murmured at a barely audible level, and you didn't hear him. Or notice he spent the car ride staring at you.


You soon exited the car, your eyes floated over the large building of 221b. You'd read John's stories, so many things went down in this building. You stepped forward, knocking on the door. You were soon greeted by a little old lady, "Mrs. Hudson, we're here to see Sherlock." Mycroft said stiffly.

"My, what trouble has he gotten into now?" She questioned, looking at you. "None that we know of, I'm an old friend." You smiled softly. "Oh, come in come in." She moved to allow you to come inside. "Greg and the boys are upstairs." She smiled and you gave a brief nod, "Thank you."

"You are a pretty thing aren't you." Mrs. Hudson smiled as she led the way up the stairs, you blushed as the three of you soon approached the door. She opened the door, "Sherlock, someone special is here to see you." Mycroft was the first in and you heard Sherlock snicker, "the queen of England? Sorry Mrs. Hudson I'm dreadfully busy, her majesty will have to wait."

Mycroft gave a frustrated sigh and you slipped past the two. "Is that anyway to speak to your brother Sherlock?" You crossed your arms and looked at him.

Sherlock's eyes widened slightly. "(your name)." He said bitterly, looking at you.

"Sherlock." You returned the tone and you both just stared.

Finally a smile broke out on his lips. "Miss me?" You smirked and rushed towards him, wrapping your arms around him and him doing the same, lifting you in the air slightly.

 "Miss me?" You smirked and rushed towards him, wrapping your arms around him and him doing the same, lifting you in the air slightly

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He sat you down, a childish smirk on his face. "Mister Consulting Detective? Fancy." You brushed off his dress shirt.

The sound of someone clearing their throat sounded and you turned finding two other men. They both looked equally surprised, as if unable to comprehend what they just saw. Your eyes floated over them. "Gavin Lestrade and John Watson." Sherlock didn't even bother looking at them.

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