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One Bullet.

One Life.

In the great scheme of things, it seemed insignificant. It was meaningless, but to Sherlock Holmes, it was everything. It was his fault she was lying dead in front of him right now. He told them it was okay, that they would get there in time. (Your Name) told him it was a bad idea, that he shouldn't. The young girl was perfect bait, and it was his fault she was dead.

"Sherlock?" The sound of (Your Name)'s voice echoed through the corridor, she turned into the small room where the young girl bled out on the floor. A crimson trailing from her chest, Sherlock's eyes were glued to the corpse. He heard the sound of a faint gasp, no doubt from his lover.

He couldn't bring himself to face her. How could he? He'd failed. He'd cost this girl her life. Why would she want him after this? The detective felt the cold claws of guilt and regret sink into him.

She approached him but he turned and walked past her, pulling his scarf tightly around his neck as he exited the building and into the cold night.


Death was a natural part of the human life cycle, and Sherlock Holmes could not understand why it bothered him so. It was just like the solar system, unimportant.

He sat on the couch, his eyes fixed on the wall in front of him. His brain fumbled for some way of understanding. He heard the door to 221b creak open, it'd taken her exactly 23 minutes to arrive. He couldn't bring himself to even look in her direction. He heard her footsteps fade into the kitchen, she didn't even speak to him, as expected. He heard the clatter of pots in the kitchen, he focused on his wall. A few moments later he felt the couch sink in next to him, a cup of tea sat in front of him. "Sherlock." She said softly.

He didn't look at her.

He didn't speak.

"Sherlock baby." She placed a comforting hand on his knee. "Please talk to me."

"We were suppose to be able to save her." He brought his hands together and placed them under his chin. "I timed it perfectly." He turned and met her gaze, "I failed. I understand if you want to leave." He said quietly, looking down. Her gaze softened. "Sherlock, why would you ever think I would want to leave?"

"I failed. I let her die." He answered simply.

"Sherlock I love you no matter what, you know that right?"

He couldn't help but feel surprise, according to the movies, it was the male who made a mistake and then the female abandoned him. . . Isn't that how it goes? "I know you never meant for her to get hurt." She took his hand in hers, he looked down into her beautiful (eye color) pools.

"I know." He said softly. A small smile tugged at her lips, "Good. Now you have to sit through at least four marvel movies for leaving me to do all the paper work." She smirked and he groaned.

She was truly a wonder, John was the only one who could tolerate him and even he got frustrated with him. But yet, she always remained calm. She didn't yell at him, she did on occasion smack him when he was being a complete arsehole but he knew he deserved it. He smiled softly as she curled into him, flipping on her movie.


The next day was complete hell.

Sherlock sat at Scottland yard, waiting for Lestrade. (Your Name) sitting next to him.  He drummed his fingers boredly, where was the Inspector? The sound of a ruckus outside the door tore him from his thoughts. Both turned to look, the door flew open and a tall man barged in. Donovan chasing after him, "Sir your not suppose to be in here!" She protested, but he payed the Sergeant no attention. "You." The man growled, jabbing a finger in Sherlock's direction. "It's YOUR fault. It's your fault she's dead." He roared, storming towards the detective who stood calmly, buttoning his jacket. The man stood eye to eye with him. "Sir, your daughter was caught in the middle, she was another victim." Sherlock stated simply. The man's eyes were blazing with anger, "Just another viticm?! She was my DAUGHTER!" Before the detective could catch on, the man grabbed Sherlock by the shirt, pushing the skinnier man into the wall. (Your Name) was immediately on her feet, she was by the man's side in an instant. She grabbed the man's shoulder, "This doesn't concern you miss." His gaze never left the detective's. "Sir, my name is Agent (Name). I was there when your daughter passed, Mr. Holmes did everything he could to prevent it. Your daughter was not meant to be harmed, this man is tracking down who commited the murder and it'll take that much longer if you hurt him."

The man's grip didn't even losen, but he appeared the be considering her words. Her tone softened, "I know it's awful to lose someone you love, but I don't think your little girl would want you to be like this." Her words were dripping with sincerity, "I know that losing someone makes you feel angry, but this is not the way to go about it. Mr. Holmes is the one of the greatest detectives in the world, I can assure you that the man who killed your daughter will not get away. If anyone can find him, Sherlock Holmes can." The man released his grip on Sherlock, dropping him. "You'll find the bastard who did it?" The man asked. Sherlock nodded, "I'm sorry." The father muttered guiltily,  She placed a hand on his back, "Sergeant Donovan will escort you out and we'll pretend like this never happened. She turned him towards Sally who took over, the (hair color) agent walked back over to Sherlock. Before she could speak he pulled an arm around her waist and pulled her into him and kissed her then and there. Her eyes widened slightly before closing as she melted in the kiss.

They were interrupted by a knock, looking over to find a smug looking Lestrade. "I take it I missed something? You know there's an empty office next door if you want to contin-" Graham was cut off by (your name) launching a stapler at his head. He barely managed to duck in time, Sherlock smirked.

"Good shot."

"Shut up and kiss me again." She smirked and pulled him down by his collar into another kiss.


Heyo! Sorry this one's short.

I need to get my phone fixed so I can have five damn minutes to write in peace

ANYWHO, I have a cover contest and your edits are due by May 2.


Funny Story:

So my friends were sitting with me in Language arts, and one of my friends was calling someone a rat. My teacher heard and said no one deserves to be called one . I explained that the girl he was reffering to cheated on one of his bestfriends, and she goes "oh." and I smirked and said that it was her teacher pet (it was) and at that exact moment he walked in to turn in a paper, my teacher gasped and said "YOU TWO TIMER!" and swatted him with a paper and chased him out of the room.

it was a good day.

I hate that kid.

that's all for now,

Love y'all

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