Back to December

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Type: Songfic

Inspiration: Back to December by Taylor Swift

Pairing: Reader/Greg Lestrade

*POV switches  You'll know it cause Greg is written in first person POV*

I'm so glad you made time to see me, how's life? Tell me how's your family? I haven't seen them in a while.

The cold icy wind stabbed at your exposed face, you tugged at your jacket, for it being almost spring it sure was cold. You walked up the concrete stairs, nibbling the corner of your lip. You couldn't help but feel the nauseating nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach. You pulled your warm coat around you tighter, hoping it could shield you from not only the wind but also from the constant fears that were crossing your mind. The fear of rejection, the fear of not being wanted. You stepped into the small café, immeidatly greeted with warmth and the smell of something baking. You pulled your scarf off, letting your eyes search for him. It'd been two years since you'd last seen him. Finally you'd caught him out of the corner of your eye, part of you felt butterflies stir up in your stomach, while the other part felt like bolting out the door. You walked over to the small booth, sliding into the smooth leather seat. His eyes were focused on his phone as he typed quickly. "You were always a busy man weren't you?" Greg's brown eyes widened at the sound of your voice. "y/n?"  His gaze met yours and you felt your knees go weak, "Nope, I'm Beyoncé." You smirked, hoping to hid the tremble of your hand. "You don't have the hips to pull it off." He retorted. You let youself smile, unbuttoning your coat. His eyes floated over you.

we small talk, work in the weather. Your guard is up and I know why, the last time you saw me is still burned into the back of your mind you gave me roses, and I left them there to die.

I quickly finished up my text to Donovan, drumming my fingers on the table. She was coming. It hadn't fully registered in my mind quite yet, it'd been iver what, two years since I last saw her? "You were always a busy man weren't you?" The familiar voice met my ears, it was smooth just as it used to be, but now it was laced with a certain tiredness that wasn't there before she left. Her name escaped my lips, unable to control my surprise. I didn't fully expect her to show. She was someone from the past, something I thought I'd moved on from. But seeing her again stirred something up inside of me, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. I wrapped my fingers around the warm coffee cup. "I was surprised when you called me. Didn't think you would still have my number." Her h/c locks fell perfectly, her piercing (Eye color) eyes still held a certain fierceness, yet soft kindness I'd always admired. "Yeah well, figured I was back in town and well..." She looked down, twirling a lock of her hair.  "I wanted to see you." She said softly, I almost didn't catch it. She paused for a moment before finally saying what I know must of been hard, for she had always been a prideful person.

"I'm sorry."

This is me swallowin' my pride standin' infront of you sayin' I'm sorry for that night and I go back to December all the time.

You bit your lip. "Greg I'm sorry. You were amazing, you were the perfect fiancé a girl could ask for. I didn't want to end things between us, my career as a journalist took off and well, pride clouded my judgement. I shouldn't of left you. The December before I left was one of the best months of my life."

Turns out freedom ain't nothin' but missin you wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine.

"I'd give anything to be able and go back and never leave. To stay here with my small job at the paper and never gone away. I know leaving you after you propose d and you would be an amazing man for forgiving such an unforgivable act." You rambled , the fear rising within you. "If only I'd realized what I was losing instead of what I was gaining. I was never happy, I didn't have friends like I do here. Sherlock, John, Molly, and I didn't have you."

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