Tissues and Doctor Who

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Requested by: ConsultingHunters


The series of sneezes erupted from the living room as she finished making the tea. The detective groaned, "Emilllllllliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."

He pulled his blanket up further, trying to soak every ounce of warmth he could from it. He was under three blankets and still shivering. He'd been unable to keep anything in his stomach over the pass few days except for a few crackers and tea. "Emilia!" He called again, his throat aching from the effort. His usually deep baritone sounded even deeper and managled. "I'm coming." She called back from the kitchen, he could tell she was becoming slightly annoyed.  It wasn't his fault that he was ill. He had to pursue that criminal in pouring rain.... without his scarf and trench coat for the first time ever.

Emilia walked into the room, two cups of tea in hand. "Here, drink this." She handed him the cup, warming his chilled hands. "I warned you." She shook her head, sitting on the couch beside him.  "I couldn't let him get away!" The detective flipped ends of the couch, laying his head in her lap. "Ew. You're contaminated!" She protested, he looked up at with big eyes he knew she couldn't resist. She rolled her eyes.

She grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV, queuing up Dr. Who.

"No!" He protested. "This show is so scientifically inaccurate!"

"And I care why?" She shrugged, turning her eyes toward David Tennant's beautiful face. He looked at the screen, raising an eyebrow. "How does he not damage events in the future?" Sherlock sniffled.

Emilia chose to ignore him, playing with his curls as she watched.

Sherlock did NOT like the fact that she was not paying attention to him. He was ill after all!

"ACHOO!" a large sneeze erupted from him, she leaned away, fanning the air as if she was fanning the germs back towards him. He grabbed a handful of tissues and grumbled, she casted him a sympathetic glance. She held out her arm, he snuggled into her side, pulling his blanket farther around himself. His toes poking out of the other side due to his incredibly long legs. He quickly entered a text into his phone before turning back towards the television. Twirling lazer visioned Santas on the screen, he rolled his eyes before closing them, hoping to get some sleep. He failed at the sound of an explosion from the TV. "Emilia why do we have to watch this?"

"Because I said so." She retorted. He pouted.

"your sick. therefore you have to watch it. You can't leave." She smirked, looking proud of herself. She brushed a lock of brown hair away from her face, she watched intently, paying not attention to him.

And he didn't like it one bit. He normally would of stood in front of the TV until she payed attention to him, but his limbs felt as though they each had weights tied to them.

The door opened, John hurried in. "Sherlock told me he was dyin-" He instantly stopped when he saw the detective lying in her lap.

"Sherlock!" She scolded.

The detective pretended to fall asleep, she shook her head. "Sorry John, he's just got a cold."

"Drama Queen." John rolled his eyes. She shrugged.




ok well dan and phil are a dirty little secret so I didn't really ask...............

I have a small confession to make guys


I'm addicted to some pop music.

Not the Justin Bieber crap or Selena Gomez, but I'm addicted to Flo Rida's my house and Fifth Harmony.


I think that's all for this authors note.

My dance is tomorrow and im panicking cause my friends all have dates and I'm very awkward around anyone who isn't them so yeah

love y'all

Bye Bye for now

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