Dogs... And More Dogs

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Lots and lots of stairs.

That's what you were faced with once you entered 221b Baker Street, you let out an exasperated sigh. A hard day followed by a hard stair workout, why not? You lifted tired legs and made your way up the stairs. As you reached the top, you heard the sound of faint scratching and.... Barking?

You quickly made your way over to the door, opening it to find a small dog sitting in front of the door. It looked up at you with big brown eyes, you instantly felt your heart melt. It had curly white fur and a long bushy tail, but the thing that caught your eye was it's twisted paw. An "awe" couldn't help but escape your lips as you kneeled down and reached out carefully. It made no attempt to bite you. You placed your hand on it's head and began to pet it, finding it absolutely adorable. "How'd you get in here?" You asked curiously, you looked up to find a larger, older looking dog relaxed on the sofa. A bark made you turn your head to find John's chair had a three legged Dalmatian sitting where the doctor would be if he still lived here. Soon a few more dogs crawled out from behind the couch and chair.

"SHERLOCK." Your voice rang throughout the small flat and you saw your husband's head poke out from around the corner. "Y/N." He held a book in one hand, a cup of tea you made this morning in the other. "Will you please explain to me why we're suddenly the couple from one hundred and one Dalmatians?" You looked over at him, he sat down next to the dog on the couch, clearly oblivious. "I don't know if I've ever told you, but you make excellent tea." The detective raised the cup to his lips, his eyes glued to his book.

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes."

You tapped your foot, hands on your hips. His head instantly snapped up at the mention of his full name. A brief cloud of anger filled his eyes but was instantly replaced with guilt when his eyes met yours. "I go to work. I leave you home alone for 5 hours and now my flat is filled with dogs. Why?" You said firmly, ready to force an answer out of him. "They were going to be put down Y/N!" He looked at you wide eyed, you felt somewhat less angry at the fact that Sherlock cared enough to keep ten dogs,  from what you counted, from dying. Your gaze softened and you walked over and sat next to him, "Sherlock that's very sweet, but we cannot keep twenty dogs."

"But Y/N-"

"Let me finish." You glared and opened your mouth to continue speaking when you felt something poking your legs. You looked down to find the white puppy from earlier playing with your foot. You smiled softly and picked it up, "We can keep this one. The rest we'll find either a home or a new no kill shelter, alright?" You kissed Sherlock's cheek and he gave a small nod. You placed the small dog in Sherlock's lap, he looked down at it surprised for a moment before very gently placing his hand on the puppy's head and pet it, the dog barked enthusiastically and rolled over, licking Sherlock's hand. He seemed to jump slightly at the action, causing you to laugh slightly as you stood. "I'm going to take care of these dogs. You watch this little guy alright?" You have the dog one last pat before walking off.


You once again found yourself tiredly trudged up the stairs, you'd managed to get rid of the dogs. Mrs. Hudson earned herself a little Yorkie, John and Mary gained a Dalmatian, Greg received a German Shepherd. You opened the door to 221b, relieved at the fact that you heard no scratching or barking. Instead, you found a dark room Sherlock outstretched on the couch, staring at the ceiling, obviously thinking. But he didn't have his hands in position, you flipped on the light to find a white fluff ball on his chest. Soon two brown eyes opened and a little head popped up, with an excited bark and hopped off of the boney chest, and hobbled over to you. Sherlock's head snapped into your direction. You kneeled down as the dog jumped at your feet. You sat on the floor crisscrossed, letting the dog hop in your lap. "She needs a name."

"What?" Sherlock answered, looking over at you.

"She's officially a Holmes, she needs a name." You responded, letting the dog jump and paw at your hand with it's good paw.

Sherlock looked beyond confused for a moment before finally waves of realization rolled through his mind. "How about fluffy?"

"Something a little more creative." You rolled your eyes, "how about Lucy?"

"Sherlock Junior."

"It's a girl."

"Sherlock's a girls name."

"Not happening Sherlock." You looked at the dog for a moment before a lightbulb went off in your mind. "How about....... Katniss?"

"Who would name their child that?"




"For a dog?"


"It's a dog not a plant."


"Really Y/N?"

You rolled your eyes and thought for a moment. Suddenly a lightbulb went off as you laid eyes on Sherlock's skull. "Bones!"

He looked over at you. "What?"

"Her name is bones." You finally decided. Sherlock seemed happy with the name.


You woke up that night to a squealing, you opened your eyes to find Sherlock sitting up straight in the bed. Thunder rumbled outside, you looked to find Bones hiding in Sherlock's arms, shaking. You chuckled softly, "Somebody's afraid." You gently pet the dog, before taking her from Sherlock. "Lay down." You instructed. Sherlock did as he was told and you carefully put the dog in between the both of you. Soon falling asleep as you felt your new fluffy bundle of joy fall asleep next to you, aswell as your taller curly haired love.


Heyo! So I'm at my friends house and I realized this was finished so I'm like hey lets update it.

THIS WAS REQUESTED BY SOMEONE AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHO I AM SO SORRY. IF YOUR READING THIS LET ME KNOW WHO YOU ARE. I kinda put it on my todo list and forgot to put your username.

Anywho, I'm being a generic teen wearing flannels and skinny jeans and combat boots.

I think when this book hits fifty Oneshots I'll make a book 2

Love y'all

Bye bye for now

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