Highschool Dork Part 2

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Type: Oneshot / teenlock
Pairing: Sherlock x reader
Warnings: faint rape attempt

Requested by Mrs_Margaret_america

You held the books tightly to your chest as you walked to the cafeteria, Sherlock by your side , your forensics class had a huge test today and let's just say an all night Agents of SHIELD marathon was not wise. You looked tiredly around the cafeteria, catching Mary waving the both of you down. You walked towards her, finding Mary, John, and Molly sitting around the table. Mary hadn't been at the school long, for she had just arrived a couple weeks ago and you already were close friends. You sat in an empty seat Sherlock by you. Molly almost immediately started babbling and playing with her hair. You chuckled, opening your lunchbox. Sherlock of course, had nothing. He was "In deep studying mode." You slid him an apple, he opened his mouth to reject it but you cut him off. "Eat it." You said with a rather commanding tone. You pulled out literally every flash card you ever made for your forensics class.

"Agents of SHIELD?" Greg's voice sounded from behind you as he placed his elbow on your head, using you as a human arm rest as he looked down at the flash cards.

"Hey at least it wasn't another one of those cop shows like you watch." You responded dryly. Greg rolled his eyes and sat next to you, you looked back at Sherlock, who was staring at the apple, unusually quiet. You gently bumped him with your shoulder, "You alright?" You raised an eyebrow, he didn't seem to acknowledge you had spoken. You watched him for a moment before looking back at your cards, worry gnawing at you slightly. After a few minutes of studying everything from poisonous pills to the effects on the body when someone jumps from a tall surface. You dropped your flashcards on the table. "I can't do this." You let your forehead slam into the table, Mary casted you a sympathetic glance and John just looked amused. Greg gave you a soft nudge, "you'll be fine."

Sherlock suddenly cleared his throat, "you'll do very well Y/N." He tapped the apple, seeming somewhat content with watching it roll around on the table. You raised an eyebrow, for your friend wasn't exactly known for words of encouragement. "Thanks." You looked down at the table, a certain giddiness coming over you. You looked back at Sherlock and the two of you stared at each other for a moment before you cleared your throat and gathered your things. "Well I've got to return this to the library...." You mumbled, looking up only for Mary to flash you a knowing look. You quickly walked out of the cafeteria, the hallway seemed to be deserted. You turned towards the direction of the libray , only to feel yourself pushed into a wall, your things clattering to the floor. You were soon trapped inbetween the wall and the one and only Kyle Evans.

"Miss me sweetcheeks?" the red head smirked, you narrowed your eyes.

"I warned you of what would happen if you called me that again."

"Luckily your not wearing heels today."

You went to pull away or hit him, but he had your wrists firmly pinned. "Let me go!" You hissed, narrowing your eyes.

"Maybe I don't want to." He leaned in, when a familiar voice sounded from behind him. "You heard her, let her go."

It's owner was Sherlock Holmes. Your eyes widened with surprise, Kyle dropped you, and turned to Sherlock. "I'm not gonna repeat myself Holmes, go. Away." He narrowed his eyes cracking his knuckles, "You are not going to treat Y/n the way you do your girlfriends."

It all happened in a blur, Kyle looked ready to swing for Sherlock when what seemed like a miracle happened. Suddenly Kyle was pushed against the wall, Greg holding him by his shirt. His eyes were narrowed as he glared down at the redhead. "I told you what happens when you mess with my friends Evans?"

Kyle opened his mouth to speak but one glare from Greg shut him up, Greg threw him aside. "Go!" He pointed, Kyle casted you and Sherlock a nasty look before walking away. You picked up your bag that fallen to the floor, various things littering the floor.

Sherlock watched you for a moment and Greg slapped him on the back, causing Sherlock to flinch. "Go get her tiger." He smirked before walking away, Sherlock cleared his throat before kneeling down next to you and helping you pick up your books. "That took guts." You both reached for your chemistry textbook, and your fingers brushed, sending jolts of electricty all for you. His touch left a lingering warmth. Your eyes locked with his,"Thank you." You said softly. You two just stared at each other for a moment. The ringing of the bell pulled you from your trance, you leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I believe we have a test today Mr. Holmes." You smirked and stood after you packed up the rest of your things. He stood as well, a deep blush covering his face.

"Um I-uh would you maybe like to um go out sometime?"
"I don't see why not." You smiled warmly.

You intertwined your fingers with his and the two of you made your way to your forensics class.


I'm soooooooooooo sorry this took so long! I've kinda been procrastinating.



Requests are always open!

Also do any of you know any good video editing apps?

I have a PC and an iPhone if that's important....

Love y'all

There may be another update today, bye bye for now!


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