Deducing the Deducer (Part 2)

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You raced through the street, the cool night breeze blowing your hair as you ducked within allies. You glanced down at your timer every so often, careful to take every twisting turn you could. The timer soon came to an end and you managed to hit stop just before it went off, you ducked behind a building and pressed yourself against it. The sound of heavy breathing sounded and footsteps around the corner. You watched the tall form pass by the ally, looking absolutely confused. You crept up behind them silently, as if you were approaching a suspect and tickled his sides slightly, sending him into a two foot jump in the air. He whirled around to find you grinning. "Well Mister Holmes, if those long legs don't aid you in running after a criminal, what good are they?"

Sherlock casted you a glance of an equal mix of admiration and annoyance. "Eat defeat Mr. No FBI training required." You elbowed him playfully, he shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. You looked up at the sky, finding beauty in such a wonder.

"Beautiful sight, isn't it?" You sighed.

"It is." He agreed, little did you know Sherlock's eyes were fixed upon you instead of the starry night.

"Looks like it's one of my last ones in London." You said with a small sigh, not wanting to leave the city, it's become your home away from home. The consulting detective's smile faded as it dawned on him that you were in fact an FBI agent, and you would have to return to America. You looked at your friend, "Hey, you okay?" You asked as you noticed the change in his expression, he cleared his throat and his face hardened into his usual emotionless glare. "No. Stop it." You swatted his shoulder.

"Stop what?" He looked at you.

"There's no need for you to be a sociopath right now."

"It's not something I can just turn off."

Silence fell between the two of you, both staring at the sky, you were searching for words. That's when an idea sparked in your mind, you hit the corner of your lip slightly before touching your knuckles to Sherlock's. You intertwined your fingers, Sherlock's eyes widened and looked at you. You noticed the look and began to retract your fingers, "I'm sorry I just thought that-" you were cut off by Sherlock's lips on yours. It was your turn to be shocked as you felt electricity course through you. The two of you finally pulled away, both speechless. The two of you looked at each other for a moment, never wanting it to end.

******* 1 year later *****
"So we meet again Ms. (Last Name) ." Mycroft twirled his umbrella as you walked towards him and off the plane

"Don't look so smug." You rolled your eyes, Mycroft smirked slightly. He nodded at a man who walked forward and collected your bags. "Why would I?" He looked down at you and you grinned. "Thank you."

"For what? Helping you in a time of dire need and making you one of my right hand assistants? Your welcome."

"Shut up." You elbowed him softly and he chuckled slightly. "I trust the doctors did their jobs?"

"Leg is good as new, except for the fact that I cannot run, much less participate in kick butt action I called a job." You replied rather flatly as the two of you walked towards the car. Mycroft paused for a moment, looking back at you. "Are you sure you want to stay there? I could get you somewhere much better. You've already done more than I thought you were capable of. Turns out you aren't as immune to sentiment as you say you are." You smirked before ducking into the car, looking up at the driver. "221c Baker Street."


Sherlock raced up the stairs, John in quick pursuit. The detective felt the adrenaline rush through his veins, "Don't you see John?! It was obviously the bride because-" He froze when he reached his door. Next door, suitcases by her side, stood a familiar (hair color) FBI agent. "Well Sherlock?" John looked at his taller companion, before following his gaze to find none other than Agent (Last Name.) She unlocked her door, pausing for a moment and turned her head to find the two staring. She smiled slightly, walking towards them.


You walked towards the pair, biting the corner of your lip nervously. "Mr. Holmes, Dr. Watson." You nodded, trying to avoid Sherlock's piercing gaze.

"Agent L/N." John returned with a friendly smile, Sherlock just stared and received an elbow in the arm from John. "L/N." Sherlock stated simply. His lack of emotion tugged at your heart, "Would you like to come in for some tea?" John offered, breaking an awkward silence that had loomed over the three of you. "Sure, just let me sit these inside." You picked up the bags, limping towards your flat, tossing the bags inside before closing the door. You would deal with those later. You soon made your way inside 221b as John walked towards the kitchen. You sat down on the couch, finding the throbbing pain in your leg beginging to cease from all the walking you'd done today. Sherlock perched himself in John's chair, looking at you for a moment. You cleared your throat awkwardly, "I' sorry to interrupt your case, maybe I could help-"

"You were shot." Sherlock interrupted.

You looked down awkwardly. "I was. Figured the FBI didn't have use for a girl who takes three times as long to get somewhere as everyone else." Sherlock continued to stare at you, you met his gaze and stared back into his eyes. "You were shot." He repeated, seeming angry. "Mycroft didn't tell me."

"You've been doing drugs." You retorted, shifting the topic. "Mycroft didn't tell me that either, yet here we are." You edged forward on your seat, folding your hands underneath your chin, resting them on your knees. Sherlock opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by John, who placed a cup of tea infront of you. You didn't acknowledge it for a moment, John raised an eyebrow before grabbing his newspaper and sitting on the opposite end of the couch from you. After what seemed like forever, you finally reached out and smacked Sherlock Holmes square across the face. He reached up and held his cheek, seeming stunned. John's head snapped up, "I've been wanting to do that all day." He muttered, one look from you and he stood. "I think we're out of milk." He walked out the front door and Sherlock looked at you. You felt a burning anger towards the detective. "Why? Why waste your talent? Why ruin yourself?" You growled, he remained silent and you pushed yourself to your feet, limping towards the door. "Fine. Don't tell me. I thought we had something Sherlock Holmes, but it seems I was nothing but a-" You felt someone grab your wrist, Sherlock spun you into his arms and placed a kiss on your lips.

You felt warmth spread all throughout you, you didn't want the moment to end as you felt Sherlock's hand cup your cheek. You both pulled away breathless, staring at each other once again. This time it wasn't cold hard stares, but the exact opposite. You pushed Sherlock away, "What is this Sherlock?" You asked, looking away. "What do we have here? "

He didn't answer. "We aren't suppose to feel love." You sighed, "Sentiment is a weakness." Mycroft's words echoed in your mind. "I have to go." You said softly and limped out of 221b.


Hey Guys! Two updates in one day, woo!

Yes I know this is somewhat of a cliff hanger, but good news, I'm turning these one shots into a book! I'm debating whether or not I should post it before or after Silence.

Which would you guys like first? The book would be called two of a kind.

Two of a Kind or Silence?

Also I want you guys to drop a comment on a oneshot you'd like to see a continuation of. I feel that I had least one or two good ideas that could stand to have a part 2.

Go to the oneshot you see fit and comment #notdead

There may be another update today, I dunno.

Love y'all

Bye bye for now!

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