I Will Love You

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Type: songfic (unconditionally by Katy Perry, I already used the tite Unconditionally XD)

Pairing: Sherlock x Reader

warnings: sad

Requested by: Charlotte_Moriarty


Oh no did I get too close, did I almost see what's really on the inside?

You stared at the monitor in front of you.

One line.

That's all you had to know was your husband was alive.

You sat in the chair, arms wrapped around yourself tightly. You should of known better then to let him get in the car, to let him drive off all for the sake of the twisted game between him and Moriarty and now here you were, sitting next to his hospital bed. His eyes were closed and looked as if he was asleep. Soon the door to the hospital room opened, revealing the first doctor you'd seen since you'd arrived. "Mrs. Holmes, I'm afraid you'll have to step outside for the operation." The man was stiff, his movements seemed mechanical. Only a glimmer of sympathy appeared in his eyes, you felt yourself frozen to the seat. You knew you had to leave, but you didn't want to. You wanted to stay right here. "Mrs. Holmes please don't make me force you." The doctor looked back down at his clipboard, suddenly someone else slipped through the door, revealing Mary. "I'm sorry miss, no more visitors." He snapped slightly, annoyance radiated from him. "I know." Mary walked right past him and towards you, "(Your Name) love, come on." She took your arm gently and you slowly stood and she guided you out of the room. You didn't speak, you just stared straight ahead. You found John and Mycroft all seated outside. They all looked at you sympathetically, also slightly curious. You always hid your emotions, they had never seen you cry, all they saw was your smile and occasional anger. Myrcroft was inspecting his umbrella, his expression stone cold. John had his face buried in his hands, his knee trembling. Greg and Mycroft worked together to seal off this wing of the hospital, ensuring all attention was directed on the younger Holmes brother.

All your insecurities all the dirty laundry never made me blink one time

Mary wrapped her arm around you, as if making an attempt to shield you from the events taking place. Once the door closed you just stopped and stood in the hall. "Sit down love." Mary tried to guide you towards a row of chairs lined up in the hall. You didn't move. Sherlock was in that room, fighting for his life because you couldn't stop him. He probably wouldn't of listened to you if you hadn't been in the middle of a fight. The guilt crashed down on you as you realized that he was as equally emotionally clouded in judgement as you were when you let him go after one attempt of stopping him. You felt the first tears since you'd heard the news prick your eyes, the shock began to seep away and replaced by a thousand different emotions. "It's my fault." The words left your lips in a broken whisper, leaving a cold silence to hang in the air. You turned and looked at Mary and the blonde pulled you into a hug. You allowed the tears to run free as you returned the embrace. "It's all my fault."

"It was the drivers." Mary assured you, rubbing your back gently. "I could of stopped him." You whispered hoarsely.

After a few moments of trying to find comfort in Mary, a small voice pulled you from your misery.


You turned to find Greg, holding your three year old daughter's hand. Annabelle looked up at you with big eyes and as you pulled away from Mary. You wiped at your face, making a miserable attempt to hide the fact that you'd been crying. "Mommy why are you crying? Where's Daddy?" The little girl's (eye color) eyes widened, fear and worry laced within her words. You stepped forward, giving a nod towards Greg who stepped away, allowing you to kneel down and open your arms. The little girl ran into them, hugging you. "Daddy was in an accident." You said softly, burying your face in the little girl's hair. "is he going to be ok?" she pulled away and looked at you. Before you could answer John cut in, "of course he will. He's probably awake right now calling the doctors stupid and being too stubborn to let anything bad happen to him." He offered a small smile and the little girl giggled slightly. You smiled softly at the thought. "Annabelle, you're gonna spend the night with Uncle John and Aunt Mary tonight."

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