Last Kiss

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Dedicated to: drayizzle

Lyric alteration: A line or two may of been removed so it would fit with the story

I still remember the look on your face lit through the darkness at 1:58

Her finger trailed over the picture.

Each happy moment she saw was another stab to the heart. She had looked through the photo album over and over again, each picture was now burned into her mind. She knew she needed to forget, to let go. Something indescribable kept her clinging to the thought of him coming back. Each memory was vivid on the page and in her mind. She remembered how her hand fit perfectly in his, she remembered his lips on her ear when he would whisper "I love you." Before drifting off to sleep.

The words that you whispered

Just for us to know

She focused on the picture in front of her, a ghost of what once was a beautiful smile upon her lips. Why didn't she just trust him? She should of believed him. The redhead in his office was just a woman with information about a case, the long nights really were him working. All of his stories checked out, but she let her fear and doubt take over. It costed her the one thing she truly loved. Why didn't she listen? Why? That seemed to be the only thing she could say. Why couldn't he forgive her?

You told me you loved me

so why did you go away

The yelling from that night echoed in her mind, he wasn't anything she called him. He wasn't a cheater, he wasn't an arrogant son of a bitch, he was everything she needed. She turned the page, a picture of him holding her tightly in his arms, both of them smiling. She allowed her mind to travel back.

I do recall the smell of the rain

Fresh on the pavement

"GREGORY LESTRADE PUT ME DOWN!" She yelled, he chuckled as carried her slung over his shoulder. He smirked, people gave them odd glances as he walked over to the bench, sitting her down. He held out his phone "Smile." He wrapped his arm around her waist. "Greeeeeeeeeeeggggggg." She whined. "Yes love?" He answered sweetly.

"I hate you."

"I love you too Andrea." He smirked.

Something cold pricked her neck, she looked up, her face instantly met with cold water droplets. People all around them fled for shelter. Greg didn't seem to mind. He took her hand and pulled her up into his arms, instantly bringing warmth. "Greg you're gonna get us both sick!"

"eh." He shrugged, she smiled at him.

Their faces were only inches apart, both their eyes met and she stood on her toes slightly and planted a  kiss on his lips. Little did she know, it was one of the last few she would ever receive from him.

The beat of your heart

it jumps through your shirt

I can still feel your arms

She sighed as her mind was brought back to the harsh reality that Greg was gone. She closed the photo album and held it protectively to her chest. She pushed herself onto stiff legs and  walked towards her bedroom, sitting on the bed. She'd been so stupid. She had him and allowed him to slip through her fingers. Anger formed in the pit of her stomach. Before she knew it, the photo album was sailing across the room and colliding with the wall. She looked over at the other side of the bed, grabbing Greg's sweatshirt he'd left. She gently pulled it over her head, his scent of coffee and cologne still lingered. She got up and retrieved the photo album, she let herself slump down the wall, letting herself be ingulfed in the oversized sweatshirt. Tears pricked her eyes, was he missing her this much?

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